fall bear pic


Nov 17, 2005
I shot this black bear last year with my 25-06 and the 117g SBT @ 3035fps. Range was 375 yards. 1st shot wacked him behind the shoulder, he was still trying to go uphill, I jacked another shell in, and held on his shoulder once again, this time the bullet wacked him again, dropping him and sending him rolling down the canyon. People say 25-06 aint a bear gun, haha. I've killed 3 of my 4 bears with a 25-06 at distances most say a 25-06 shouldn't be shooting at deer that far.

YOu can see where I shot the bear from. The hill directly behind me is where I shot from. Across the canyon it was 375 yards. I clicked my 6-18 Leupold up to the correct setting and the results are in!