So who are some of your favaorite authors, and what hunting stories have you read over and over. I have an ol limited edition of my dads, it's a 70's era Outdoorlife hard cover with articles from the late 1800's, up to about the 60's. It's got stories from Teddy Roosevelt, Jack O'Connor, Charles Elliot, Zane Grey, and quite a few others aswell. But my favorite story is Towsends Whelens " RED LETTER DAYS" It is a turn of the century horseback foray into the then untamed wilds of B.C. he was collecting speicimens for the smithsonian . The whole story about how he and his companion, lived off the land hunted , fished, explored, it just takes you back. In this day and age it hard to beleive , there was no mad rush you litterly just went whichever way the wind blew, no pressures of finance, mortages, customers. You just had to live well you and your horse.LOL. Basics food water fire and 150 days of roaming, the goal stay alive long enough to tell about it. I sit down and read it once a year, ussually right before hunting season, things were maybe harder back then, maybe not.
So lets here some of your prefered reading.
So lets here some of your prefered reading.