
Not at least until after the election would be my guess. Not a big fan, do kinda like what’s happened to my retirement investments but otherwise not so much. Been a registered Republican since 1974. I got 10 bucks says no pardon until Joe’s last day in office. Given the guys pardoned by past Presidents Hunter is small potatoes regardless.
He is a lame duck weather he wins or not once the election is over. If Hunter is sentenced and jailed before then he will wait until after the election and pardon him. He is lying about pardoning him to try and save face for the election. If Hunter is sentenced after the election he won't let him spend a day in prison, he will pardon him before he has to report to prison or before he is out of office.
I hope a few of you guys watched Hannity last night on Fox news .

Hannity talked about how the laptop was used in this case without question of it's Auth intensity . that means the 51 FBI , and DOJ guys that signed saying it was not true , lied to the American people . he said this is a the lesser of all crimes on the laptop and the gun crime doesn't involve Joe . Hunter will take the fall for this , and NEVER have the other crimes looked at . the prosecutor David Wiess , is also the same guy that let other crimes expire on the statute of limitations , without even looking into them . the FIX IS IN . they hung Trump on his book keeping hiding payments , and they get away with this .

if you can find last nights show , you should watch it .
I hope a few of you guys watched Hannity last night on Fox news .

Hannity talked about how the laptop was used in this case without question of it's Auth intensity . that means the 51 FBI , and DOJ guys that signed saying it was not true , lied to the American people . he said this is a the lesser of all crimes on the laptop and the gun crime doesn't involve Joe . Hunter will take the fall for this , and NEVER have the other crimes looked at . the prosecutor David Wiess , is also the same guy that let other crimes expire on the statute of limitations , without even looking into them . the FIX IS IN . they hung Trump on his book keeping hiding payments , and they get away with this .

if you can find last nights show , you should watch it .
The real crime(s) are spelled out on the laptop and yes, it's been swept under the rug. We have been lied to yet again.

As Hannity stated, the laptop was confirmed legit and the American people see the big lie
Hopefully the GOP will drive this fact home in the coming months.

Trump didnt even hide the payments, his accountant classified them wrong according to NY. If they would of let Trumps expert witness testify he would of said the classification was fine and blown up the whole case.

Weiss had his hand forced when the judge rejected the absolute immunity deal he originally proposed for Hunter. Hunters defense hung him by not trying to renegotiate the deal and that resulted in the tax and gun charges, both of which are cut and dried cases for conviction. Now daddy has no choice but to pardon him.
First offense. I'd be surprised if he got more than a year. Same with Trump. (Payoffs to a porn star isn't a business expense.) just sad there is so much graft in government. I remember as a kid my dad in a low level Forest Service job wasn't allowed to so much as have lunch with my best friends dad cause he contracted to do work for the USFS.
The FBI and DOJ along with the Dems are so corrupt. What was Biden doing with classified documents as a senator.
What especially grieves me is that respect for honoured institutions--DOJ, FBI, State--have sullied their names and insured the loss of respect by ordinary citizens who depend upon them to act without favour or partiality. It will require a determined effort and some time before confidence in these entities is restored.
I hope a few of you guys watched Hannity last night on Fox news .

Hannity talked about how the laptop was used in this case without question of it's Auth intensity . that means the 51 FBI , and DOJ guys that signed saying it was not true , lied to the American people . he said this is a the lesser of all crimes on the laptop and the gun crime doesn't involve Joe . Hunter will take the fall for this , and NEVER have the other crimes looked at . the prosecutor David Wiess , is also the same guy that let other crimes expire on the statute of limitations , without even looking into them . the FIX IS IN . they hung Trump on his book keeping hiding payments , and they get away with this .

if you can find last nights show , you should watch it .
Interesting read on "X" yesterday.

"The Cover-Up Is Worse Than the Crime. The old Washington adage that the cover-up is worse than the crime has never been more true than in the Hunter Biden case. The charges on which he was convicted today have rightly been described as rinky-dink and divert from a much bigger scandal involving foreign influence payments to Hunter and other members of the Biden Family. This is the story that intelligence officials worked successfully with the Biden campaign to conceal from the American public prior to the 2020 election.

"The FBI seized Hunter Biden’s laptop from the repair shop in December 2019, almost a year before the 2020 election. What was the Bureau’s response? Did it begin an investigation into Hunter’s shady foreign dealings and potential FARA violations? As the Twitter Files exposed, the FBI began telling 'Trust & Safety' executives from social networking companies to be on the lookout for a Russian "hack-and-leak" operation involving Hunter Biden, priming these executives to censor the story. The FBI would have verified the authenticity of the laptop soon after seizing it, so its warnings to social media companies were deceptive.

"When the NY Post story broke, 51 former intelligence officials, including 5 former directors of the CIA, wrote their infamous letter claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation. We now know from the sworn testimony of former CIA acting director Mike Morell that the letter was coordinated by then Biden campaign operative, now Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Note that the intelligence community (IC) adopted the same “Russian disinfo” cover story that the FBI had incepted with social networks. Indeed the letter became the “expert” confirmation the social networks needed to suppress the story.

"What’s the take-away? The Biden campaign knew it had a problem a year before the election. A phony narrative was invented that the Russians were behind the story. The FBI communicated this narrative to social networks; dozens of intelligence officials backed it with the weight of their credentials; Biden himself invoked it as a defense in a presidential debate with Trump; and MSM reporters like Leslie Stahl dutifully repeated it. Finally social media companies suppressed the true story, depriving the American people of information they were entitled to know before they voted. This was election interference.

"As journalist @mtaibbi explained, 'By any marker, this is an enormous news story. If we go by the usual measuring stick of American scandal, the Watergate story, this potentially meets or exceeds that, on almost every level. Does it reach into the current White House? Check. Was it a craven attempt to subvert the electoral process? Check again. Did a presidential candidate engineer a massive public deception? Yes, resoundingly. Did it involve intelligence agencies? Yes, and these weren’t amateurs like Nixon’s plumbers. These were 50 of the most powerful people in the intelligence world... conspiring to meddle in domestic politics on a grand scale.'

"Taken together with the IC’s participation in the Russiagate hoax during the Trump presidency, the security state has shown a brazen willingness to interfere in electoral politics on behalf of their preferred candidate. This is not democracy; it is the subversion of it. There’s only one way to send the message that this is unacceptable: vote for the candidate they hate on November 5."

@DavidSacks, "X," Jun 11, 2024
Win or loose in November, and considering his age and health, Joe will never have to answer to the voters again, so he'll give Hunter a pardon without worrying about recourse for going back on his promise not to pardon. Then again there's always a commutation of his sentence, which technically isn't a pardon, so he can say he didn't lie.