Find the Cougar?

See if this helps for those that don't see it yet. I flipped the cropped picture.........maybe that will make your eye look at things different. It's not easy to pick out, but once you see it and know where to look the next time you look at the picture, your eye makes it out every time.

I did find it pretty quickly in the first picture but only because you said there was. If you didn't mention that it was there, I would never have seen it. Dan
Link to the story & photos:

reminds me of when I first started hunting I was having a time spotting animals, and dad said if I was looking for a deer, squirrel, etc. I wouldn't see it, instead look for a speck of white, horizontal lines, something going UP, when leaves are falling down, etc. Then I started picking out the critters... Back in the late 80's early 90's there was those 3D stereogram pictures that you had to stare at a certain way and an image would appear. I NEVER saw what was supposed to be there.
Every year, around this time, the annual debate about camouflage and which is best or if it is needed at all, happens.
This picture is worth a thousand words!
I’ve seen recently a picture with a whitetail Buck in it (I believe it was on another forum-maybe this one) but it is similar to this in how well these animals blend in with their surroundings without the need to have mossy oak or realtree on….