First Rifle


Mar 21, 2007
I don't know if anyone's asked this before . So let's hear about your first rifle. Mine was a Remington M700 7mm rem mag. I was 13 or 14 with a big magnun or so like to think it was. My first reload for the rifle was 160pt 79.5 grs of H870 that was almost 20 years ago. Man what a rifle.
First rifle, 1979 ruger 77 2506, srarted out with 117 sierra boat tails before going to 120 partitions( I just had to have complete penetration). I rode that gun hard and she put up with a lot of abuse like falling down a rock slide and miles of brush hunting, sweat and animal blood, rain, snow, and heat. Lots of pigs, some deer and coyotes, I cant remember her losing her zero. Oh , and that old redfield widefield 3x9 put up with me too. Rick
It was 1988. A buddy sold me his Winchester Model 94/30-30. That got me started shooting rifle.
My first official centerfire rifle was a 1941 vintage Savage Model 99 EG in 300 Savage. It has a 4x Bushnell on top. I have taken several deer including a doe out at 275 yards, and one elk and a few coyotes. This was a hand-me-down from my dad which was purchased brand new by his father for 80 dollars. The first rifle I ever bought myself was a Winchester Model 70 Classic Stainless in 30-06 Springfield, I currently have an M8-4X Leupold on top. It will shoot just under a half inch at 100 yards (three shot group) with my pet load, a 165 Partition on top of 57.5 grs of H4350 and a Win LR primer for 2875 fps at the muzzle. Good guns both. The 30-06 has killed several big bucks and more than a few elk. I also killed a coyote at 650 yards with it. It took me 3 shots to find the drop and the 4th killed him with a quartering on shot to the neck. It was more luck than skill but I did get him.
I was 14 when I bought my first rifle, a 700 BDL in 30-06. I mounted a Bushnell Banner 4X scope. A couple years later I mounted a Redfield 3x9 scope and later replaced it with A Leupold VariX II 3x9.
I killed WT Deer, Antelope, and a Black Bear with that rifle using Nosler 150 gr PTs. :grin:

I had a pellet gun or .22 in my hands every day as a kid, then when I went to college I sold my .22- didn't seem like a smart thing to have around in some of the college houses I lived in. Too chaotic. Anyway, I got back into shooting in 1999 in my early 30's. I bought a 10/22, then a Mini-14, then what I would call my first REAL rifle, a M700 Mountain Rifle LSS. I killed my first deer, a fork-horn blacktail, with that rifle with a Burris 3x9 on it. Since then, I wore out the original barrel and had a PacNor sporter profile tube put on it... swapped the trigger for a Jewell... traded the scope off for a Vari-X III 2.5x8. I killed a fine blacktail with it season before last, but it has sort of fallen out of favor with me for blacktail hunting- too much gun! Now I use a .358 Win. However, I am working hard with it as a longer-range platform for mulie and antelope and whatnot.

I love carrying it. When I used it two years ago, it was out of necessity as I was hunting with a beginner and lent him my other main deer rifle at the time. Honestly, too much gun or not, it worked GREAT on that 3x4 buck I killed with it.

In a centerfire a BDL 25-06
in a rimfire a Bolt 22lr Marlin.
First plinking rifle was a ruger 10/22 that I still have and rarely use. I was about 8 or 9 when my dad bought me that rifle. Its accounted for plenty of birds, squirrels, rabbits, and cans.

My first big centerfire was a winchester model 70 classic sporter in 7 RM at the age of 13. Yah it kicked a little to hard for me to, but still killed my first buck, a 2x3 at around 250 yards with the 140g combined tech btips. I later sold the rifle and got a 300 Win mag that didn't seem to kcik as hard. Its funny, but to me, I think the 7 RM has a different more violent sharp kinda kick then a 300 WM. MY 7 RM now has a brake, but only so I can spot my own shots, not because I cant handle it!! Ha ha ha.
Sporterized 03 springfield w/3-9 vari-x II and 165 ballistic tips my dad handloaded for me. Took my first deer with it and the last one knocked the eyeball out of a buck laying in his bed looking at me.
Well, I hate to admit it, but 46 years ago for my birthday my dad gave me a Remington 722 chambered in 244 Remington. I was in hog heaven!! That was the greatest rifle ever made!

I spent the summer shooting countless jack rabbits with that thing and was ready for deer season.

That fall, I shot a nice 3X3 buck with it and thought I was a great buck hunter. (First morning, by 10 AM, I was tagged out.) I was all of 12 years old.

I went on to shoot lots of game with that rifle, but have progressed now to bigger and better things.

I still have the rifle, but it is now rebarreled and chambered in 22-250AI. It makes a great coyote rifle. I do not use it a lot, but it is great to have it and look at it and remember.
Christmas of 88' I was 14. My first gun was a Marlin 30-30. Open sights and i left it like that for a good solid 5 years and killed many deer with it out to 100 yards. My Dad gave me the Rifle. Then it got a 4X scope. And now it has a 3-9X scope. I still take it with me sometimes when i do drives. Other than that it doesn't see much use. Due to it's big brothers my 308, and my 7mm mag. I still love to hear the old 30-30 bark from time to time, whether its just a paper plate at 100yds. or not!
i recently bought a 270 win by mossberg for my first big games rifle and it is the most accurate gun i have ever shot for accuracy i would prefer 54 grains of imr4831 with a 130 grain bullet and magnum primer then work your way up to 58.5 grains of imr4831 with a 130 bullet and cci magnum large rifle primer. and the bullets i am using right now are 130 grain interlock bullets from hornady.
British .303cal. No4 MkI. I saved up $12 in 1954 from my paper route and bought the rifle at a pawn shop on The Block (East Baltimore St., famous for strip joints). I was 12 years old. My Dad and the next door neighbor helped me lighten the thing by cutting down most of the hand guard and forestock. The first week of deer season, a spike buck jump up and went dead away at the bound. I centered a "Texas heart shot". Dressing the deer was really a mess, as the rear entry .303 bullet went out the chest, blowing guts and organs all over the place. But the kill was the sweetest of all my hunts.

First plinker was a Ranger "cat and rat" .22 rifle.
My dad gave me his 1950's Remington 740 308 when I started hunting (Ironically enough it was the same year he dicided to stop for several years lol!). Dad and his nephew in the guards had fired thousands of military surplus rounds through it but it still shot ok, but not great. I traded it in on a rem 700 30-06 (I am still P!$$ed at myself for this and would love to get it back). I don't ever want to sell an old rifle again, what did I get for it? Around a hundred fifty if I remember right! Oh Well
My first centerfire rifle was a Winchester Model 70 Westerner. It was a cheaper model, that did have a walnut stock on it, but not as nice a finish and a blind magazine. It was chambered for the .243 Winchester. I had planned on purchasing a Ruger Model 77 in 6mm Remington, but the White Elephant Store in Spokane had some of these Model 70 Westerners for sale with a Weaver 4X Marksman scope mounted in Weaver rings and bases for $199. Couldn't pass it up. Shot a lot of ground squirrels with it. Missed a really nice whitetail buck. (Was running right at me, unslung the rifle, raised it up and had a great view of the uncle mike's scope covers!) Replaced the 4x with a Bushnell 3-9x sportview. Eventually shot the barrel out, and sold it to my buddy for $125. He still has it as a custom 22-250 AI with Schneider barrel and McMillan stock. Nice...At least I still get to shoot it once in a while.
At 9, my Dad gave me a M700 BDL Varmiter in 22-250....Topped with a straight 16X Leupold.... a year later bedded and a canjar trigger.
I'm now 35 it's on it's second barrel 12K plus total through it, and it's pretty much like my Amex Card.... still goes everywhere with me.
Winchester model 94 356 winchester when I was 13 or 14
A few years later a winchester model 70 fajin classic limited edition in 300 mag that shoots under a half inch.
Also got an original winchester 1886 in 40-65 from a friend that i'm planning to take a deer with this fall.
A couple years ago I got a weatherby mark v ultralite in 257 weatherby and that is the best gun I've ever been around.
Next rifle I hope to get is a 375 H&H
currently 25 years old
My 1st rifle was a Winchester Model 70, 30-06 at the age of 9 yrs.......Not a bad way to start out uh!!!!....................Big Squeeze! :lol: