FL or Neck sizing


Dec 7, 2004
Hey all, just got a question or two. In my hunting rifle, Tikka T-3 lite .270, i have been FL sizing and been getting good accuracy, should i only neck size for a few loads to get more brass life and or accuracy. And lastly, i bought a Savage 10fp le-2 in .308 for punching paper and i guess the same question applies, but more toward accuracy in only neck sizing after fire forming the brass? Thanks in advance. Dan
After the initial full length sizing I always neck size. This should extend case life and improve accuracy.

People who Hunt in extreme temperature variations (very cold) recommend FL sizing Hunting loads, to preclude chambering problems when out in the field.
FL sizeing is recommended to insure reliable feeding in hunting loads. In cases of hunting animals that bit back or once in a life time hunts this can be more important then accuracy improvments. The accuracy differance between FL and neck sizeing in hunting rifles is very small to almost non-existant depending on the rifle and cartridge, shooter ablity comes in to play also. You might see ~.10" but I doubt much more. The factory varmint rifles and well built rebarrel / customs will show a improvment in accuracy over factory sporters, but unless you have a steady rest I doubt most will see it in the field. The case life is definatly improved, depending on how warm the loads being fired are. If you want to improve on case life, this is the best way to do it.
The feeding of reloads both neck and full lenght has never been a problem in my rifles, and personally I do neck size at times for hunting loads. I do check to insure they feed before going to the field though, just as insurance. I recommend doing it for any load FL or neck to be used hunting anyway.
Ol` Joe":2y5qbvmw said:
shooter ablity comes in to play also. You might see ~.10" but I doubt much more.

I would second that. I can't hold that steady free hand anyway.