Good electronic ear muffs?????????


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
A couple of my rifles have muzzle brakes. I want to use these while hunting but noise direction detection, and protection is very important.

Any suggestions?
We run Peltors or Sordin's here Fotis. They work well, but we use the tactical style that allow you to hear personal tactical comms, so they have an extra cable. I would imagine there is a civilian version of the Peltors that would suit your needs. I use mine all the time on the range and love being able to hear folks talking, but they instantly deaden any rifle noise. Scotty

Believe it or not, I purchased a set of electronic muffs off the Snap-On tool truck a few years ago. Believe I gave less than $50 bucks for them and they work fantastic.

My RUM has a vias brake which isn't all that terrible as you know. My .280 however I had a guy in MT do years ago - Without hearing protection I have a little dribble down both legs when I pull the trigger- it's brutal and I refuse to use it without protection.