Got a maintanence question: Bore Snake or Brushes and patch


Apr 16, 2007
Hi all,
So, I switched to bore snakes about 10 years ago for rifles and shotguns. For shotguns, they are the cat's meow. I have been using them for rifles, but decided today to get out my old brushes and clean my .300 wby. I did not get a lot of gunk, but after about 10 passes with the brush, I used mop and it came back fouled.

So, anyone had a bad experience with a bore snake? It takes only a few seconds to clean with one, but I am not sure that the bore is all that clean when I finish, And I am concerned about the rifling.
I view the bore snake as temporary and/or emergency cleaning aid. It is rod with jag and nylon brush for my rifles.
I use them dry for a quick brush out. I still use the rod/brush etc for complete cleaning.........when I do it.
THanks guys.
Hey Dr Mike,
Where do you get nylon brushes? I have bronze, but have not seen nylon.

Just found them on Midway. thanks!
Midway sells nylon brushes in ten packs, three packs and in boxes of assorted sizes.
I used to use the brushes and patches and clean for ever to get a bore clean. I then found Outers and Gunslick foam bore cleaner. Squirt it in and let it set for 30 min then run a patch to push out the gunk and then a couple of patches with Hoppe's 9 and your done.

If you have a weapon like a semi-auto that you can't clean from the breach here is a little trick. Take a piece of weed eater line about 1 foot longer than the length of your barrel. Sharpen one end and with a flame melt the other end and while hot press it against something hard to form a button a little smaller than your bore diameter. You can use sand paper to make it smaller if you get it too big. Take a patch and stick the sharpened end of the line though the center and push the patch down to the button end. Push the sharp end of the line into the chamber and down the bore until it comes out the muzzle and grab this end and pull it through. You can put solvent on the patch or what ever. This will save the crown on the muzzle from cleaning rod ware for those that don't use a muzzle bore guide and will keep the gunk out of the receiver.