Got an email from Brownell's.

Well like I've stated before when it comes to components, I'm not buying these new prices because I don't have to. But I'm not stupid, eventually I'll have to replace what I got. It's not good for anybody.

I did buy 3 lbs of Retumbo at the same shop mentioned above, but that was still at the old price of $42.99 and I bought it because I worked out a deal with a member on here that I bought the Retumbo for him and traded for Hornady 35 Rem 200 gr RN's. He got the hard to get Retumbo at a good price today considering, and I got more 35 Rem bullets which is never a bad thing in my mind. I think we were both happy.
What exactly is out of hand?

It's completely relative with what factory ammo costs are these days. You see those prices? Whoa

Conponent increase isn't just to you. They're up to mfg's as well thus reflected in price behind the counter where the factory offerings sit.

That said it's still significantly cheaper to load your own. Your post was focused on price so let's stay there a moment.
It's still cheaper to load your own and pending how premium the bullet is significantly cheaper loading your own.

I find it funny...not making fun of you....
But funny to me that people on a Nosler forum....and I'm assuming since you're here you use(d) Nosler bullets....yet complaints of prices being discussed.
It's funny to me because without question Nosler bullets are by far the most expensive of the big 4. Big 4 being Sierra, Hornady, Speer and Nosler.

Just remember you get 7000 grains in a pound. In most instances that's a lot of loaded rounds and still significantly cheaper loading your own.
$30 per, $50 per
Still cheaper and that's just focused on cost.
The bonus is loading exactly what you want.
Lastly...The placebo effects of loading to me are priceless.
There is NO REASON whatsoever for primers to go from 35.00 a thousand to 110.00 a thousand in 1 year period! It is gouging that is all.
Normally I have noticed that when Hodgdon has powder for sale on their site it is usually higher than say Powder Valley. So, what gives with that? They say that they sell a certain amount and when it's gone it's gone. The rest goes to the distributers. I don't know. Dan.
I used to be emplyed deep within the industry.
Mfg's ALWAYS (provided they're smart) take care of their wholesalers and or retailers first and foremost.
They don't really want the pain in the ass of selling it themselves thus they have distributors, etc in the first place.
They will protect those that help them.

No mystery. They all do it.

At least most of them do it
There is NO REASON whatsoever for primers to go from 35.00 a thousand to 110.00 a thousand in 1 year period! It is gouging that is all.
I respectfully disagree.
Employed in the industry in 1994 a particular wholesaler doubled the price of every AR15 the minute the crime bill became law. 749.99 wholesale became $1500 instantly.

That was gouging.

Today with conponents I believe there are a few things at work here.

Raw materials is not in abundance. Thus not much as much to go around. In other words they mfg's can't stock pile tons of a particular product, powder or primers, because they can't buy enough raw material to do such.
Hence if raw materials are up in price it's immediately conveyed on to the consumer.
The mfg can't wait out a price spike as they've plenty to sell.

They don't have plenty to sell so when raw material takes a jump it immediately gets priced in as there is no back stock to wait until prices taper off.

It's a crazy time and enough blame to go around to many but it starts with this administration.

No question about that