Hammered in Mitchell


Feb 1, 2016
Scotty and I arrived at Mitchell at 4pm on Friday!
We had a chat to my mate who was working cattle, unloaded the quad and set off for a hunt. There was plenty of feed about so finding pigs in the usual spots was not working. We resorted to riding along the creeks. Not long before dark we found a lone sow feeding on the edge of the cultivation! Scotty' s 280 made short work of her. Not 5 minutes later we spotted a mob of 10 sows and suckers feeding along the edge of the creek. I took the first sow then we did our best to  take out the rest. We got 8




Next morning we had a look at the dead pit!. We found 3 small pigs hanging About, Scotty rolled 1 and the other2 ran toward me, i missed the first shot but followed up with 2 quick shots to end the argument. As I took the second pig I noticed 2 more sows heading home 3/4 of the way up the hill. They had 3 or 400 yards on me so I set off after them and after a k or so finally nailed both of them



We continued on not finding any more pigs for the morning. We did get 2 foxes though


Saturday afternoon the hammered came in! Thunder, lightning and heavy rain belted the area! With lightning striking the ground not 100m from where we were sitting, very spectacular.
After the rain we rode down the southern end of the property, we wanted up another 6! Scotty taking 2 pigs with 1 shot from his 330 Dakota

Sunday morning we were again finding it very hard to come across any sign and it was difficult to get around with the previous days rain. We walked out to some scrub country that has always netted us pigs in the past. This time was no exception! I took an old sow full of piglets and her 2 suckers. We walked another 300 metres and ran into another 6 sows and 5 little fellas. At the first shot they scattered and i set off to give chase. They circled around and once clear of the cattle and horses I took the biggest sow, following the rest of the mob we managed to get 2 more sows





Sunday afternoon we again covered a lot of ground before we once again found the pigs on 1 of the creeks. We got 10 from the mob including 5 little fellas and I lost a good boar that I chased for 2 k had a shot on the run at him at 350ish nut never found him


The blood from the lost boar




Monday morning, last hunt. Best boar!! We chased him for about a k on the quad this time. Finally he presented a running shot from left to right at about 120-150 yards. 1 shot and a somersault and he lay dead.



A great weekend and 38 pigs down plus all the piglets that won't get born!!
It was, although I nearly pooped when that lightning struck! The most spectacular of natural phenomena
Be glad you were insulated sitting in the buggy. Had you been standing on bare ground you might have got a little tingle. :)>)
That much fun should be illegal!!! Looks like an absolute blast, no pun intended.
Excellent! That had to have been some great fun. That is taking the battle to the hogs.
Taking out that many Hogs is a real good thing :wink:. You should be able to make a lot of sausage with that many on the ground :mrgreen:.
Thank you for the photos and post.

These pigs aren't eaten! This is purely a pest control mission, they do huge damage to my friend's property and everyone dead is 1 less to steal food and cause destruction.
About 6 hours west of Brisbane. Pigs do a lot of damage out there, it's good to help mates out. They have a 20000 acre property and it looks as though it's going to be a fantastic season, good for cattle but will also mean the pigs and kangaroos will breed up big time
truck driver":3hlrk8r0 said:
Be glad you were insulated sitting in the buggy. Had you been standing on bare ground you might have got a little tingle. :)>)
We were actually sitting down on my mates verandah having a coffee, waiting for the storms to pass. Certainly glad we were at the house not out in it!