He pulled the plug.

It will be interesting to see who they choose at the DNC. If they were smart they would run someone like RFK Jr. But I bet you its Kumala or Hillary that gets the nod, maybe even Michelle Obummer or Gavim Newsome.
My guess is Gavin Newscum. Gretchen Whitless, the devil herself could be another possibility.
It really doesn't matter, the D party has been caught in a big lie(s) to the American people.
I truly believe that a huge red wave is coming in November. I pray that it's too big to rig.

1 thing for sure, he ruined all dem's chances for being elected this november...........if a dem wins, it's by fraud results
I hear you, and I hope you are right in this assessment. However, I have little respect for the intelligence of the voting public. As we have long since replaced the republic with a democracy, the potential for evil is astronomical.
I hear you, and I hope you are right in this assessment. However, I have little respect for the intelligence of the voting public. As we have long since replaced the republic with a democracy, the potential for evil is astronomical.
I hate how right you are.
One has to wonder if they over juiced him last week prior to his big speech in Vegas that got canceled. Both videos showing him getting on and off the plane show no masks being worn by him or the Secret Service. Covid isn’t what sent him back home.
One has to wonder if they over juiced him last week prior to his big speech in Vegas that got canceled. Both videos showing him getting on and off the plane show no masks being worn by him or the Secret Service. Covid isn’t what sent him back home.
I had the same thoughts and noticed the same lack of masks. There is no way I believe they haven't been giving him something to try and stay coherent and whatever that is they got abysmally wrong for the debate. None of the excuses they gave for that performance made any sense at all. If you can't recover from international travel in 10 plus days your not fit to serve. He had 8 days at Camp David to rest and work on the debate. If he had a cold then why did he sound fine at the rally afterwards and why would he be around other people in such close proximity. He sounded normal and was around tons of people for numerous days after as well. IMO they over juiced him and he crashed. They were hoping for angry Biden and got bumbling Biden.

Dems lying to the public about Bidens fitness will tank their chances, especially for Kamala. That doesn't even include her failures on everything she has touched. I think it's going to be hard to get someone to be her VP too. There is only 3.5 months until the election and there is a extremely high chance it's a losing ticket. Who would want to take the risk of losing their current position for a low probability of success and potentially taint their political future.
Soooo, the "defenders of democracy" are tossing out the primary votes of millions because their horse is lame and they're wanting to slip in a replacement in the final laps? Everyone who cast their ballot for Joe had to see what condition he is in and willingly voted for him nonetheless . His cognitive decline wasn't an issue until he started polling lower than Trump, and all of a sudden he needed to go. Don't get me wrong, oatmeal brains needs to go, but if he isn't fit to run, he isn't fit to hold office for the next 5 months and should be booted now. I'm wondering how they got him to knuckle under, was it the carrot or the stick? I think we can all agree there will be zero accountability for the Dems and media covering up his cognitive issues.
Joe hasn't been seen since the last time he got on the plane and it was noted by some that he looked extremely frail. There's now some speculation as to whether he may have passed and the DNC is trying to figure out what to do now? If he has in fact passed, Kamala as VP will be the President until the election, like it or not unless that can convince her to step down? If that's the case, it's anybody's guess who will be the replacement. So the question has to be asked, "Where is FJB?"
Paul B.
Joe hasn't been seen since the last time he got on the plane and it was noted by some that he looked extremely frail. There's now some speculation as to whether he may have passed and the DNC is trying to figure out what to do now? If he has in fact passed, Kamala as VP will be the President until the election, like it or not unless that can convince her to step down? If that's the case, it's anybody's guess who will be the replacement. So the question has to be asked, "Where is FJB?"
Paul B.
isn't there a republican to take vp slot if downhill joe leaves? that would be a riot of laughs as the dems would never live that 1 down! i'm really not sure who sits 3rd
isn't there a republican to take vp slot if downhill joe leaves? that would be a riot of laughs as the dems would never live that 1 down! i'm really not sure who sits 3rd
Third in command is the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson.
Yup, FJB get the 25th. Impeach Hairass for traitorous acts on the boarder and the RNC takes over the presidency.
It can be done, should be done but unfortunately won't be done.
