Hearing Protection


May 12, 2006
I am looking at getting a set of electronic hearing enhancement muffs and I was curious what the guys here recommend? My ears ring 24/7 and I would like to slow the process down some. I use a Walkers in my left ear now but I am thinking about getting somee Pr-Ears but before I drop coin I was going to see what you guys thought or recommended.

http://www.proears.com/Pro-Ears-Shootin ... dator-Gold

I use a set of Stalker gold muffs. My hearing, thanks to the military is horrible and I use the muffs both for the range and hunting. They opened up a new world for me. You won't make a mistake in purchasing a set of pro-ears.
Heath - yes, I often wear the Peltor electronic ear protection. They've worked out real well. I generally use them at the range, but they have some use in the field as well.

Protect that hearing - permanent hearing loss is a very real risk for shooters.

The Pro Ears are top notch muffs! Mine are 10 years old (IIRC) and work fine.

Just remember to turn them off when you put them away :oops: . Batteries last longer that way!
Thanks guys, looks like I may be ordering a pair. I always wear hearing protection when shooting but only wear the Walkers while deer hunting, nothing turkey hunting. It seems like the past year the rining has gotten much worse so I am going to have to do something.

I worked with my Dad doing diesel work and between the engine drone and air tools/impact wrenches that gave me good head start on hearing loss. A day on the skeet range pulling the thrower without hearing protection done some real damage too.

Kodiak, it's funny you mention that about turning them off. My Walker's battery doesn't do as well when I leave it on either, lol.