Heat extremes?


Apr 5, 2014
When talking about storing powder what is considered heat extremes?
Where I live it seldom gets to 100 degrees and seldom gets below freezing. In the shop the temp is probably moderated a little bit from that.
I’ve never had any problem that I am aware of and have got to believe temps from the time of manufacture to delivery to me reach higher and lower than that on occasions.

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Not sure on the definition of extreme - it varies based on how constant the temp is and one's usage of the powder. If you expect your powder to last a year, than you can store it in much hotter conditions than if you want it to last 10+ years.

I thought the US military testing showed significantly decreased shelf life over 80 degrees and below about 30 degrees for constant temps. Heat and free air movement are the main enemies. So I'm not positive on the 30 degrees. Above 110 degrees you start looking at single digit lifespans for powder. Also, double base is a little different from single base...

I'm pulling the above from memory with most of my reading done at: https://forums.thecmp.org/showthread.php?t=157820 which has a high temp "picture that tells a thousand words": http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v479/ ... 357560.png - I can't recall what each column indicates but I think it included single vs double base and sealed vs un-sealed ammo.
Interesting. Looks like I should be good for a few years in worst case scenario.

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