HOME RUN!!!!!! With Hawkeye 30-06


Dec 26, 2007
Guy, JD, POP, GB300win and dubyam, you guys were right!!!!!! I used four pieces of duck tape place just under the barrel in front of where it meets the receiver and it floated the barrel all the way to where the duck tape was place.

I used my hunting load just the same as the load I used for my Mark V Custom 30-06 and this Ruger Hawkeye 30-06 shot right with the expensive custom.

I used:

165gr Sierra HPBT
59grs H4350
Fed 210 pimer
Win brass (new)
OAL - 3.179"





Now I will use the duck tape until I can get it freefloated. Guy, JD and GB300win, you guys got it right buy saying that two rounds on top of each other made you feel that this rifle could shoot.
Richracer1":3paj1e4p said:
Glad to hear you got it sorted out.

Yeah, cool, AntelopSniper put me on to the pillar bedding columns at Midway and I ordered them and also have a special piece of material coming to replace the four pieces of duck tape and all for $23.00 and I am back in action and ready to rock. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
All you need to do now to free float the barrel is sand out the barrel channel with a dowel then seal the wood back up. It should only take about 20 minutes start to finish. I've had good luck with birchwood-casey stock sealer and tru-oil.
Way to go bullet. I'll bet that you're feeling a lot better right now. Those groups are very good. Looks like it's not throwing a flier on you now. I know how frustrated you were. :grin: :grin:
bullet":10y2kzz9 said:
Guy, JD, POP, GB300win and dubyam, you guys were right!!!!!! I used four pieces of duck tap place just under the barrel in front of where it meets the receiver and it floated the barrel all the way to where the duck tape was place.

I used my hunting load just the same as the load I used for my Mark V Custom 30-06 and this Ruger Hawkeye 30-06 shot right with the expensive custom.

I used:

165gr Sierra HPBT
59grs H4350
Fed 210 pimer
Win brass (new)
OAL - 3.179"





Now I will use the duck tape until I can get it freefloated. Guy, JD and GB300win, you guys got it right buy saying that two rounds on top of each other made you feel that this rifle could shoot.
Is there anyway that you could post a picture of where you put the duck tape on your rifle? Because I am also having the same trouble with one of my rifles, and I would like to give it a try to see if it would help.
GB300win, yes, I was frustrated. I knew it was not my shooting nor was it my handloading care and it was hard to believe the 8 different OAL seating depths I tried that none would work. I sure am glad I located the problem and have an inexpensive way to fix it. I really liked how this rifle felt throwing up to my shoulder and now I even like it more. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
corbin9191, Yes, I will this evening when I get home post a picture of what I did.
Now, what did I suggest after your first disappointing range session weeks ago?

Glad it worked out! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
POP":2pyvu9wy said:
Now, what did I suggest after your first disappointing range session weeks ago?

Glad it worked out! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, you did suggest freefloating it and I used a shim under the lug to lift the barrel but it would move so it did not work. So, as I thought about it I decided to lift the barrel from the same place all my Weatherby customs had been lifted. It worked, and worked very well. With this accuracy and these velocities as a combo I will have a dandy hunting load for sure.

I guess they are right when they say duck tape will fix anything. :lol:
Seriously I am glad it worked out. Remove the pressure point with a dowel rod and some sandpaper (10-15 minute job) seal the wood with some true oil and put her to bed.

Glad it worked! Way to hang in there and not give up.
Good idea on the pillar bedding.:wink:

Thanks POP, thanks JD338, I don't like giving up and I am also glad I hung in there. GB300win really encouraged me to hang and all you guys made it clear that I needed to hang and not give up. That really helped me to stay the course. Thanks :grin:
Good one bullet. I think thats the same problem that my friends .308 has. I'll be telling him about it.
Here is what I did. I used four pieces of duck tape to gain enough thickness to free float my barrel. I put the duck tape where the barrel just before it goes into the receiver would be lifted up enough to free the whole barrel all the way back to where the duck tape and barrel were touching.

I did not come up the sides all the way so as to free the barrel completely for the sides. here are the pictures.




All you gotta do is replicate that with bedding compound and use plenty of release agent.
30-06 shooting .3's, that is very good shooting for a stock ruger with 4 pieces of accutape :grin:

jtoews80":1lqrrva6 said:
30-06 shooting .3's, that is very good shooting for a stock ruger with 4 pieces of accutape :grin:


I love it "Accutape", now that gives my rifle a since of custom as apposed to saying Duck Tape and implying a red neck rifle. I like that!!!!! We will now call it Accutaping a rifle for accuracy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: