hornady sst in a 243 winchester

eric 270 wsm

Mar 9, 2010
I used these this year on two deer in 95 grain both shot at 65 yards one in base of neck through off side front leg under hide. the other in neck and big hole about the size of softball both with in 30 min. of each other. son shoot one hard but no blood trail at 100 yards no pass through and bullet fragmented. Just wondering what others think about this bullet. can't wait for accubonds to be released
I like the SST's, but since I shoot Nosler 2nds so much, I shoot many more of them. My cousin shot a big (155lb) doe this past Fall in the hind end, that 95gr BT from a 243 at 2900FPS blasted the hip and made it into the vitals. Wasn't an instant kill, but the blood trail was excellent and the deer was recovered. I tend to stick with tougher bullets in the smaller calibers, just a little extra insurance for iffy shots. I can't wait to try the 90gr AB either. Scotty