How about some .35's

DrMike":je846s8n said:
Movement, rather than shine, is more likely to spook deer. I carry several stainless guns afield. I have never observed an animal shy from shine. They are alert to movement, however. Even slight movement can alert an elk or a moose.

It's the gloss finish on my stock that worries me not the stainless finish of the metals.

I have had deer spook from scope glare on me before. Roughly 150 yds across a field. I was on a scaffold blind, 20ft in the air which had good camo skirting, right at sunset looking into the sun. Seated and rifle up on the rail, west wind in my face, no movement whatsoever. A group of 5 deer coming out when they all suddenly snapped their heads in my direction, stared a second and then bolted. I replayed scenario next day with my hunting bud and he said it looked like I was using a signalling mirror. I can't attribute their reaction to anything else.

Nodak - That would be an excellent, sentimental score. Good Luck.
You are right about the finish on the stock. It is one feature on the Brownings that I don't appreciate. Nevertheless, they make a fine product, and the BLR is one product that any rifle crank would be pleased to own. Your's is particularly attractive.
A few weeks ago I set aside my bigger 35s to take my little 35 Rem Marlin Marauder (16" barrel) out bear hunting. It was a bit of an experiment for me as .358" 250s at 2440MV (or more) are my usual prescription for bears. However the 200 Rem corelokt at 2100MV did a credible job - boar weighed 275lbs and ran only five feet when hit. Bullet weighed 165grs and remained intact. Guess over the last hundred years all those Maine guides using the 35Rem had it right. The 35Rem doesn't walk the woods with much excess power - but enough is all I really need.

I sure like this handy little 35cal lever gun - every woods hunter should have one.


Whelen B


Very nice bear! I'm using the 35 Rem with the same bullet this year in my 336. That recovered bullet looks like it should be a hot ticket! Love those 35's. Scotty
Whelen B

Welcome to the forum.
That is a very nice bear, congratulations. I think the Remington 200 gr SPCL is the perfect bullet for the 35 Remington.
Well done sir.

Whelen B,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your information. That is a handsome bear with some very nice markings. The 35 Rem did its job, just as it has for decades.
Thanks 4 the welcome - guess that was my first post here.

I have also a second bear tag so now I have the problem of which of my 35 bore rifles to use next. I let them all out hunting with me now and again. I like em all. It's a bit of an embarassment of 35cal riches for me, arising from a life of focused hobby 'n' hunting interest in 35s. God has been too good to me.

Maybe I'll take my Ruger Frontier 358Win out to play next. Took off its quarter rib, added a NECG peep and a BDL front ramp/bead and put it in a canoe paddle stock. Can swap the peep at will for a "ready-to-go" fixed 4x Leup in Ruger low rings too. IMO not a looker but all business - straight utilty.

Whelen B

She looks like a work horse to me, strictly business.

She looks like a work horse to me, strictly business.

A truer statement was never spoken. The Frontiers were tools in the truest sense of the word. They got the job done.
NEF 35 Whelen

It is quite convenient that this thread was revived I actually own two 35 Whelen's my bolt gun and an NEF single shot. Took the scope off my 260 Rem and put it on the NEF and did some shooting today with the 225 gr Sierra, 225 gr TSX and 225 gr AccuBond. Out at 105 yards prone with a bipod the groups ranged in size from 1.2 - 1.58 " which is pretty good for a sub $300 gun but 57 gr of Varget with the Sierra gave this group as well.

Was pretty pleased with the accuracy of this gun so far, I'm out of Varget now so will need to get some more. There is one thing that isn't good about this gun it is one of the guns that NEF headspaced too deep so any brass fired in this gun won't chamber in my custom 35 Whelen. Some lots of new brass will misfire others are just fine, once they are fireformed to this chamber the gun seems reliable. I think from now on I will neck up new brass to 375 and then size it down again to 35 to give it secondary shoulder, should work well if done right.