Hunting in Idaho

BeeTee":3g1j3sg2 said:
McCall, ID is a beautiful area - looks like a resort town. I first visited the small town of McCall while on a motorcycle tour in 2009. BT

You aren't kidding. It is still favorite small town I've seen, nationwide.
Here's a 2009 pic of the lake that sits right on the northern edge of McCall. In fact, the main street through the town (hwy 95) takes a 90 degree left turn about a half block from (behind) where this photo was taken.
I know exactly where you took the picture buddy. Again, McCall, that is an awesome place. I am really looking forward to getting back there.
I'm a little late to this party, but the recent forest fires have done quite a number on many of the hunting spots I've frequented over the last few years in the Sawtooths. Things have gotten worse as flash floods have decimated many of the access roads. As to McCall... never hunted up that direction but here's a few more pics...

Interesting comments on here about Idaho. Sounds like the F&G milked it for all they could to fund themselves. We have the exact same problem here in Maine, though I doubt that ANY state could have mismanaged their deer herd as bad as our F&G has here. Check this out , back in the 1960,s when they were estimating the deer herd at something like 125,000 animals the F&G was selling around 150,000 resident licenses and 150,000 NON resident licenses????????? How do you think that worked out???? 300,000 licensed hunters trying to shoot a hundred thousand deer??
Combine that with the fact that mechanized wood harvesting really got going and they allowed the woodsmen to cut vast areas of traditional "wintering grounds" [Cedar and Balsam areas where they yard up all winter] and the introduction of the Eastern Coyote have all been the downfall of the State and its deerherd................... when I was a kid the town was full of outtastate number plates on trucks, now we RARELY see one anymore, we have the lowest kill ratio in the nation , have had a "buck law" for thirty years that has done NOTHING to increase the numbers, and probably have the CHEAPEST license in the union................... $ 125 and you can shoot anything but the Govenor................... to say it has been mismanaged would certainly not even begin to cover it. Interestingly enough they have done a super job of managing the Moose herd with an est population of around 80,000 they only allow the harvest of around 2500 a year and the herd is healthy and thriving. Why they are so good with Moose and have NO CLUE how to manage deer is a bit of a mystery to most of us in the business?????? :?