Is this a parallax issue

Mountain Goat

Dec 14, 2010
I just bought a new scope and noticed somethings while out shooting in the woods. Previously, I sighted it in at the 100yd range and tested the adjustments and return to zero without issue. The following week, I went out to the woods to shoot at various distances and from various positions to check drop and accuracy of my loads. That, and it's just a heck of a lot of fun! My first series of shots was at 267 yards. I shot 3 shots on 10x, which is max for the scope, and saw that the drop was around 7" which seemed normal. I made the appropriate elevation adjustment and fired 3 more. The group only moved up about an inch. Just for kicks, I lowered the magnification to 6x and fired another 3-shot group. I did let the barrel cool, so this happened over a lengthy period of time. Those three shots were just high-left by only an inch or two which corresponds to my adjustments just fine. I wondered why this happened, so I looked through my scope against an open hillside about 350yds away. On 6x, all looked normal. On 10x, I noticed the outer edges had a sort of "fisheye" effect that was much more noiticable as I moved the rifle side-to-side slowly. This didn't happen on the lower power settings.

Is this a parallax issue that shows up on the higher power settings? My other rifle that I had with me has a max power of 8x, and it did not show this at any setting. I don't want to disclose the make of the scope because brands tend to sway responses. I will say that this is a very popular brand and is not lower or mid-range for the make. Any input is appreciated. Thanks for your help.
It could be parallax. If you're able to move the crosshairs in relation to the target by moving your eye (not your scope) back and forth in the eyebox, you have a parallax issue. If you're just experiencing edge distortion at 10x, it may not be parallax related.

Also, some scopes, despite being known quality brands that are not "bargain priced" will still exhibit what I believe may be part of your problem. In some scopes, when you adjust the windage or elevation, the scope doesn't "settle" right away. Usually shooting a few shots will settle it, but in some instances, a few gentle taps with the butt of a knife or a fired shell case, will "settle" the adjustments.

If you continue to have trouble, I'd consider warranty work for the scope. It sounds like it's an internal issue more than parallax, but I could be wrong.
Thanks dubyam. I was aware of the "tapping" of the turrets on older friction-type adjustments but not on newer erector systems. If I have to tap it, it is completely worthless. This scope has both a parallax issue and distortion issue on 10x. The distortion is more pronounced in the 10 and 11 O'clock area of the field but does show full-circle. The parallax shows up at 200yds and gets somewhat worse as distance increases. This will not help me in the field. As you mentioned, this scope is headed back for repair. I've had a bit of bad luck lately with series of new items from various companies. All product were made in the USA. It's getting old shipping new items back to the manufacturer. Or, I could just keep everything as is and sell it as a "defective package" deal. :lol:
I am thinking that there are two issues, tracking of the turrets and optic distortion due to the quality of the lenses.
I am guessing the scope is in the $200 price range but I may be wrong.

JD338":2gophzjf said:
I am thinking that there are two issues, tracking of the turrets and optic distortion due to the quality of the lenses.
I am guessing the scope is in the $200 price range but I may be wrong.


I was hoping that lense and coatings weren't going to be a problem since it's more than twice the price you guessed. I shot the same target from the same field positions with my 223 that has a Monarch 2-8 BDC and did not notice the same issues. I would stick with the Monarch, but I just don't like the eyebox.

The distortion isn't a huge deal since it doesn't interfere with the reticle, nor will I notice it in a hunting situation, but it's still there. The parallax bothers me, especially since this is only a max 10x scope. I would have no problem with a 14x with parallax at 13-14 and just dial back to 10-12 for shooting, but this isn't the case here. It just has me frustrated. :?

You spent some good money on your scope and I would think it would give you the performance you are expecting. Maybe there is something wrong with it. It might be worth contacting the manufacture and see what they have to say.

JD338, you are correct, and the manufacturer has been contacted. The scope is being sent back today. Thanks for all the unbiased input. Just so you know, this is a new Leupold VX3 that I wanted to put through the works and see if I wanted to add the CDS dial or M1 elevation turret, and order a twin at the same time. I know Leupold will make it right, and with them located just 280 miles north of me, turn around time should be quick. Hey, schit happens, right? The Minox 3-15x50SF is looking quite tempting right now. :lol:

What you were describing was traits of low cost scopes. I am really surprised that this is a VX-3. Leupold will make it right for you. Let us know what Leupold has to say about your scope.
FWIW, I have a VX-3 3.5-10x40mm CDS ordered and it should be here next week. I will give it a good look before I mount it on my 280 AI.


I did give it a good look before mounting it and noticed nothing. It wasn't until after initial sight-in that this showed up. Whether or not it was there before, I don't know fo sure. Being a new VX3 is why I didn't want to reveal the make initially. Sometimes it can be difficult to get good feedback when one is skewed by brand.

I'm not as surpirsed as you are that this was sent back. I own a few Leupolds but have only purchased two of them new. Both new scopes had to be sent back soon after purchase. The used ones seem to be able to double as fish whackers without posing any problems. :lol:

I initially wanted to run some tests of this one against an Elite 2.5-10x40. I did a small review on the Elite and can see the thread in the product reviews section.
Mountain Goat":emc680m3 said:

I own a few Leupolds but have only purchased two of them new. Both new scopes had to be sent back soon after purchase. The used ones seem to be able to double as fish whackers without posing any problems. :lol:

Thats funny, but true!

If you would have disclosed the make up front, I would have told you to call customer service and send it back. They are world class and you will get your scope back very quickly.
I will give a full report on my new VX-3 3.5-10x40mm CDS when I get it.

I knew that a call to C/S would happen eventually, but I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was doing wrong or could correct myself. Usually, just mentioning Leupold with a problem will get one called a liar at the least and has a tendency to get way off topic without providing the OP with any useful information.

I will say this, the few items involved in my current run of bad luck have all been backed by exceptional customer service. The Bushnell Elite is the one non-domestic made item included.
I will say this, the few items involved in my current run of bad luck have all been backed by exceptional customer service.

One more good reason to buy quality equipment.