Let's not forget the Specialty Handguns...

yep, the specialty handguns need a better classification other than just plain........ "other manufacturers".
Thompson center, savage strikers, xp-100's, and various revolvers are used by a lot of handgun hunters out there. 8)
You said It Kyode. And lets not forget the ones that use handguns for the 1K shoots as well.

I have a rear grip Wichita 7mm IHMSA that doted on nosler solid bases when I shot sillywets.Now that I no longer shoot competitively,I use bulk bullets in it. The problem is ,there is NO safety on this gun. I have to kep the action open till I see a target and then load a round. Wish I could find a "smith" that could install a safety on the gun.
PS a belated happy Easter to all.
Just found this forum, I am one of the few and the proud specialtypistol shooters also, HS Precisions are my persuasion :grin:

Are you going to add a Thompson Center Contender/ Encore section?

It would quickly pick up momentum.


A specialty handgun section would be absolutely wonderful. The sixgunner paper is my favorite mag, but that only comes every other month.The fact that if you can load it in a rifle you can load it in an encore always keeps me dreaming of new barrels. Go ahead nosler, start a new section, I'll talk.
TC Encores 3 receivers:15" 30-06 & 454 casull barrels.Load 06 with 130 & 150gr bullets more comfortable shooting,in the 454 I shoot my 45lc handloads not as much recoil .
I am a eocore shooter, have 17 diffirent calibers. Sure would be nice to have a T-C section in loading manual. Thanks for the 180 gr. Partition bullet for the 358 winchester. I already use the 260 in the .375 JDJ, excellent bullet.

I'll add my vote for a Contender/Encore section and second what gravedigger says. My .375 JDJ loves 260 AB's
gravedigger and SakoL61R,

I shot a friends SSK Barrel last fall, 3 shot cloverleaf with the 270 gr Hornady at 50 yds. This pretty much "set" the hook.
I have been thinking of getting a 375 JDJ barrel for my contender and thought the 260 gr AB would be a good bullet.
What kind of expansion and penetration have you seen with this bullet from your 375 JDJ's?

I've only punched paper with the 260 AB's. MV with H4895 is 2010 fps through my Oehler. VV N140 might give another 150+/- fps, but I have not had the chance to work loads up with it yet. Hope to have some terminal results on GA whitetails/hogs this fall.
BTW, I have the SSK barrel as well. Superbly accurate!

Sounds like you have a good load. Try shooting into 7-8 milk jugs filled with water. This will give you a good idea what you can expect for expansion.

Sorry about not answering your question, I haven't been on the computer alot lately. Drive a truck been gone alot.

As for the penetration of the 270 GR. bullet all I have shot is a feral hog and two deer. My brother shot all the way thru a moose at 125 yards.
To be honest I started using the Nosler 260 gr. bullet, I shot almost lenghth wise thru a 160 pound deer at 90 yards.

Again I am sorry about being tardy about answering you.

I'd been experimenting on my 35 Remington T.C Contender using the Speer 250 grain Hot Cor. I haven't shoot an animal with them yet. From what I've read, a 250 grain bullet should not be use on the 35 Remington because it lacks the velocity for the bullet to expand reliably. But, from shooting at 200 yards on a metal gong at our club range it seems that the 35 Rem hits harder when compared with my 300 Win mag using 180 grain bullet. I haven't chronograph this load yet so I have no idea what will be the enegy level of the load at 200 yards. I'll find out... :wink: