Let's see those long-range hunting rifles!

6.5 Creedmoor

28 Nosler
I'm waiting on some steel gongs and then I'll take them out to 1200yds.
A couple of beautiful rifles, Scott. One simply must enjoy the 28 Nosler! Such a classic look.
Hi Muleman , nice looking rifles for sure. Can you share some spec's on that 28 Nosler?
The first picture is of me at the 2015 Kettle Falls Steel Challenge with the GAP 260 in action.

Next up is my very first real tack driver, a Jarett Rifles Inc. 280 AI wearing a USO 1.8-10x37 Mrad GAP Reticle in Badger rings. This is still a serious hunting rifle.

Left to Right:
GAP Thunder Ranch Rifle in 6.5x47 Lapua S&B PMII 5-25x56 DT CCW Mrad MSR Reticle also Suppressed, just not shown.
GAP/Surgeon 260 Remington Kahles K312II 3.5-12x50 DT CCW Mrad Mil dot Reticle (Naked)
Kimber Montana 6.5/300 WSM Leupold M3 3.5-10x40

Last is the Sako TRG-42 is a 300 Norma Magnum wearing a Premier Reticles Heritage 3.5-15x50 Gen. 2 Mrad DT MTC CCW scope w/a TBAC Suppresser with the new Ultra baffles in it (recalled this year and repaired).

*** I suppose I might edit this post by saying I don't hunt with the two GAP Built rifles only because I have them as full time precision long range tactical match rifles using target bullets. It's not like I couldn't develop a hunting load for them, but why? The 6.5/300 WSM will do it with more authority, and weights almost half as much. And for the really big stuff or those Wolves way out there, you can't beat a 230 Berger Hybrid going 2900 fps that's capable of 1/2 MOA out to 1,300 yards or more. Big, Bad and Beautiful, and not something you'd like having land anywhere near you, just me! ***


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SJB358":3ftrod58 said:
Awesome lineup Kevin. They are a solid bunch of rifles!
Thanks Scotty, they all shoot better then me when I mess up!

The Sake TRG-42 was actually barreled by GAP and I do hunt with it.
here's mine 700 long range in 300 wm

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STW":qm619k3x said:
Hi Muleman , nice looking rifles for sure. Can you share some spec's on that 28 Nosler?

My 28 is a L/A Win 70 CRF from a 300RUM donor. Benchmark #6 fluted 27". Throated to run long and allow 175 ABLRs and 195 Bergers out to 3.6". IdahoCTD's four hole brake. Stock is a Winchester Safari magnum stock. I also have an older McMillan M40 for it. Both stocks have been bedded by me. I have a 20MOA steel picatinny with a recoil lug by Farrell bedded and mounted to the action. The scope on it was just for load work. I'm going to put a Leupold VX6 3x18 with the ZL2 turret and the TMOA reticle on it. I have two loads worked up with RL33. The 175ABLR shoots 3160FPS into .25 - .3 MOA and the 195 Berger shoots 3100FPS into .5-.6 MOA. The gun is heavy; it weighs just shy of 11lbs scoped and ready to hunt but it sure does settle well on a bipod. I could get it down to below 10lbs with a McMillan edge and lose the break.
The first 30 Nosler prototype. It was custom made with cooperation with Nosler in August of last year, a full 5 months before the launch at SHOT show. I wrote the article and it was published in Eastmans this past fall. Defiance Custom long action mated to a PROOF 8.44 twist bbl and changed the stock to an HS Precision.
Running 210 ablr's behind Retumbo at 2980 fps.


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That 30 Nosler looks like it will do some serious damage, talk about a longrange hunting machine.
Thank you for posting.

I took off the barrel and the stock and the .185" thick pitted out recoil lug, the Weaver bases.
I cut threads and chamber and installed a Shilen #3 match stainless in 7mmRM, .250" thick Rc42 recoil lug, Bansner High tech specialties ADL stock with large limbsaver recoil pad, Holland recoil lug, EGW one piece mount,
Drilled a 3/32"hole in the receiver face .605" below the barrel center for a .094" pin to hold the recoil lug in place.
I used a boring head to cut the concave radius on top of the pillars to match the receiver radius.

$300 gun show 6-23-2012 May 1963 Rem700 ADL with Hart 7mmRM stainless painted black barrel.
$230 Shilen stainless match #3 taper barrel brownells 9-18-2012
$232 High Tech Specialties [Bansner] stock brownells
$435 L4 VX-III 3.5-10x40mm. Matte, standard duplex, CDS, used 3-16-2013
$50 Burris low tactical rings brownells
$40 EGW one piece base swfa
$35 Holland recoil lug and pin brownells
$32 Large grind to fit Limbsaver recoil pad brownells
$36 Vero Vellini sling V19023 amazon
$30 rear bag dog-gone-good Holland type 2x3x4" direct
$12 Uncle Mikes 1" swivels amazon
$14 Allen buttstock cheekrest shell holder pouch amazon
$9 glow tape JVCC GLW, Amazon Oct 2, 2013
$10 one part epoxy spray paint ALUMA-HYDE II AEROSOL, O.D. GREEN brownells
sharpie marks on tape for ranges
5/8 round Aluminum for pillars Enco 1/2" 6' RND ALUM ROD6061
Pine for butt plug to attach recoil pad
screws for recoil pad
Devcon steel putty for butt plug, pillars, and recoil lug
bore cleaning
rifle case
7mmRemMag reamer
Lathe bits

I shot a buck at 477 yards with a 140 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip Bullet, and it hit where I aimed and the buck flipped over.


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Mark Basner smithed UR-1 (Ultimate Rifle) Remington 700 accurised, lilja 9 twist fluted 26" tube, kdf brake, Hi tech specialties stock, leupy 6.5x20T chambered in 7mm STW
Ray Romain built rem. 700 30" 8 twist kreiger, now has a QD Holland brake, 8.5x25x50 mark4 M1 TMR, Joel Russo A5-L stock, seekins 20 moa rail, and seekins rings, chambered 6.5Gibbs
Kirby Allen built 700, 30" 9 twist lilja, QD brake, 6.5x20 leupy mark4 M1 TMR, Ken Ferrel 20 moa bases and seekins rings, Badger bottom metal, and extractor, Richards thumbhole varminter stock, chambered 7mm Allen Magnum
RRA 24" 8 twist varminter, leupy 6x18T, chambered 223 wylde
have taken deer, coyotes, and groundhogs a purty fir peace with these, farthest deer was 1350 yards, have taken a handful past a grand.
this is the rifle that has made my longest big game kills to date . it's the one I've taken for all my bigger game hunts . it's an ultra -light WBY mark V , in 7mm rem mag Leupold 4.5-14x40 using a Boone and Crockett drop reticle . the only thing done to it is a bedding job . I use a 160 AccuBond bullet with RL22 powder . it's taken caribou , elk , moose . it shoots well , and I shoot it well .

it has always had a 200 yard zero at 3000 FPS . last summer I bought a new batch of powder and it picked up the velocity 100 FPS . this is enough to cause me to resight with a 300 yard zero at 3100FPS . so I placed a cheat sheet on it for quick reference .

Sept 2015 , 550 yards prone using a sling and a backpack . one of these would be a cold , clean bore .

That rifle certainly places the shots where they need to be. Great riflery, Jim.
I own a lot of rifles, none that shoot that well for me.
My guess is that some of the them would, it you were doing the shooting.
Jim, that's a great set up right there buddy. 160 AB at 3100 is sheer hard on animals. That 550 yard group is really danged good. I can see why that rifle is the one that gets the nod.