Lets start a new build project


May 7, 2015
Haven't even received back my latest build (shipping back to me as we speak) and I am starting a new one...May be going off the deep end...

This project is going to be for my son. He has a Remington youth 243 ADL w/ Vortex 3-9x40 - OK starter rifle, but for a short/small rifle its still kind of heavy- his main complaint, trigger is terrible, and the matte Remington finish is pretty bad. He has a birthday May 12th, and I am going to have this put together as a present. Here is what we got going...

1. Spiral flute and skelontize the bolt, install sako style extractor.
2. Replace trigger with Timney - Set it at 3 pounds.
3. #2 Shilen Barrel, as minimum shank as possible, cut to 23", chambered to 6.5 creedmoor. If smith can do lite flutes to that contour, we will do that as well.
4. Edge Fill, Classic Stock - ADL. Will cut and repad at 13" oal.
5. Replace Vortex with Leupold VX2 - 2-7X32.
6. Cerakote Graphite Black

I am not sure how much this total package will weigh, but is should be less than what he has now, lot more reliable, and a rifle that should cover him through his teenage years.
Sounds like a great birthday present. But I think you are wrong that it'll cover him through his teenage years, that will cover him for a lifetime of hunting and hopefully be one he never gets rid of.
That will be a grand birthday present. Can't see him not being thrilled with that. I do like that cartridge.
Have you handled a McMillan stock with a blind magazine? I have the M70 Classic Edge with blind magazine and it is squared off on the bottom. This makes carrying the rifle in one hand pretty uncomfortable. I don't know if the same is true for the M700 stocks as it is for my M70, but you might want to ask.

I have a B&C 2950 ADL Mountain TI stock on my M700, it weighs about 29 oz which will make it around 4 oz heavier than an Edge stock. However, it is more comfortable to carry than my McMillan around the mag well. It'll also save you about $300 vs. the McMillan, but it isn't as drop in ready as the Edge stock will be.
Sounds like a great present.

The 6.5 CM is a pretty danged versatile round.
I like! Good plans.

You're not happy with the Vortex scope you already have?

It is a great gift, probably should have said that but I was just addressing my concerns with the squareness of the Classic ADL stock.

taylorce1":3sme81iw said:
Have you handled a McMillan stock with a blind magazine? I have the M70 Classic Edge with blind magazine and it is squared off on the bottom. This makes carrying the rifle in one hand pretty uncomfortable. I don't know if the same is true for the M700 stocks as it is for my M70, but you might want to ask.

I have a B&C 2950 ADL Mountain TI stock on my M700, it weighs about 29 oz which will make it around 4 oz heavier than an Edge stock. However, it is more comfortable to carry than my McMillan around the mag well. It'll also save you about $300 vs. the McMillan, but it isn't as drop in ready as the Edge stock will be.

I actually will be using the B&C ti stock as the McMillan I wanted (thought was already built and ready for sale) sold out and I am not waiting for one to be built. Ordered direct from B&C this morning. Black with Red Webbing.

Also, have decided to do a Mini 16 Extractor instead of Sako.
Guy Miner":3kq9td7h said:
I like! Good plans.

You're not happy with the Vortex scope you already have?


Its a first gen Crossfire 3-9x40...Entry level $125 scope...Its surprizingly heavy for a basic 3-9x and optically its just ok, but a rifle like this needs something a little nicer. May also look at a Zeiss Terra 2-7x as I can get an as new demo model for the same price if not cheaper that the leupold.
Sounds like a really nice build for your son. Keep us posted on it with a pic or two. He'll like that B&C stock. They aren't as nice as the upper end stocks, but are a big step up from most factory stocks. I like mine anyway.