Long Range Shooting and Deer Hunting


Sep 10, 2007
I am looking to get into some long range shooting for target practice and hunting. I would like suggestions on a caliber that will easily carry 400 yds with little or no drop, be very accurate and still have enough umph to take down a whitetail. I am looking to buy a single shot rifle just for this purpose. I currently shoot a TC Encore 300 WinMag for my everyday hunting purposes.

Thanks, KC
Your 300 Win Mag is all you need. If you want something different, look at the 264 Win Mag or 7mmSTW. I would have said 7mmRUM, but not in the Encore barrels.

To get the least drop possible you need a long barrel, large case and light bullet. Better would be to use one of the scopes that have been calibrated to your velocity. I hunt with a friend that has fire towers converted into shooting stands. He has food plots that go to 1000yds. He shoots a 300WinMag with a 30" barrel, 300RUM with a 28" barrel and a 280 Ackley for the shorter shots. Both Mags are using a 165gr bullet and the Ackley uses a 140gr NoslerBT. He has a calibrated elevation knob on his scopes and dials in the yardage. He has taken deer past 600yds and a coyote at 800yds. You probably won't be able to get the trajectory as flat as you would like and still carry the rifle.Rick.
but not in the Encore barrels

Not trying to be sarcastic...but accuracy from an Encore at those distances??? I have never heard any serious "benchrest capable" comments regarding the TC (now S&W) rifle barrels....

I think the concept is wonderful but my first hand experience has been far from sterling... :cry:

I would love to buy another... anyone out there have some great "shootability" comments for the TC rifles?
Northwoods Hunter,

I have heard the same, a bolt action will give you the best accuracy for sure. I think that for 400 yds or less, you should still get very good accuracy.
This past summer, I shot my 6.5 JDJ Contender handgun at 300 yds. the first 3 shots went under 3" and the next two opened up the group to 5".
This was with a handgun and some pretty good mirage too.

You will be surprised what an Encore can and will do with the right equipment and shooting technique.

I have a factory stock T/C Encore, meaning 24" factory barrel in .308win, factory synthetic furniture, trigger etc... I have found a load it likes and it's shooting .50" groups at 100 yards. Not benchrest mind you but better then most other stock rifles at the range. My stock pistol in .480ruger, 12" barrel and 2X scope has shot 3/4" groups at 50 yards. Hopefully will do it more often with more practice.

Now if you want to go custom you can do even better. http://www.ottllc.com/ is the place to start if you want super accurate in an Encore or Contender package.

Here is an article about a guy who did just that and ended up with an Encore in 6mmBR that can shoot .2" five shot groups at 100 yards....


I even know guys (another forum I belong to) that shoot Encores and other specialty pistols at 1000 yards :shock:

Good input.
I have no first hand experience with the Encores, but if they shoot like my Contender does, the deer are in trouble!
My 7x30 Waters T/C factory barrel (14") has turned in several sub .5" groups at 100 yds, the best being .226"!

I still say that either the 264 Win or 7mmSTW would make for a fine flat shooting deer rifle, even with the Encore. :wink:

Both Longwinters and I have had several tack driving pistols...Contenders and Encores...

But....... absolutely NO ONE in our circle of hunting/shootin collegues has had anything but BAD luck with the rifle barrels...We've had several retuned and or replaced by TC...I even went to Fox Ridge Outfitters for an expensive 28" custom built SS barrel in .308 Win...proofed, tested , trued etc... everything except garaunteed... :roll:

I tried every load recipe under the sun and could not get to MOA...

Well...I am a very stubborn loser :evil: I may just give a Pro Diamond a try :?
Pretty much any of the common centerfire hunting cartridges in a decent bolt gun with a decent scope will take deer just fine at 400 yards - if the rifleman is up to it.

Don't even need all that flat a trajectory - just a standard type rifle like a .308 will do fine if you know your gun & load.

If you're interested in doing some long-range shooting, I'd recommend one of the easier kicking cartridges, so you'll be encouraged to go out and practice enough to be deadly at 400 yards or more. Stuff like the 7mm-08, .308, .270 and .30-06 all come to mind as fairly mild in the recoil department with plenty of accuracy and plenty of power.

The .25-06 is another good one and has become my favorite deer cartridge. Very little kick. Flat trajectory. Good accuracy. Kills deer like lightning. Can you tell I like the cartridge? :grin:

A hard-kicking magnum is simply not needed to cleanly take deer, even at extended ranges. Shoot one if you want to - I have nothing against magnums and have owned a number of 'em - but they're not necessary for most deer hunting. Even at 400 yards.

Regards, Guy
Northwoods Hunter":vrymbtyo said:
Both Longwinters and I have had several tack driving pistols...Contenders and Encores...

But....... absolutely NO ONE in our circle of hunting/shootin collegues has had anything but BAD luck with the rifle barrels...We've had several retuned and or replaced by TC...I even went to Fox Ridge Outfitters for an expensive 28" custom built SS barrel in .308 Win...proofed, tested , trued etc... everything except garaunteed... :roll:

I tried every load recipe under the sun and could not get to MOA...

Well...I am a very stubborn loser :evil: I may just give a Pro Diamond a try :?

The factory barrels can leave something to be desired. My .308win barrel has a throat so long I can not get off the lands. However it has shot well with factory ( Hornady 150 sst ) and with my handload ( hornady match brass, varget, cci LR primer & 165 grain SST)

I really think if you want accuracy you are better off going custom. OTT, MGM or the like will be great. Another aid if you plan on shooting off the forearm or just want the forearm freefloated is to get a hanger bar. The regular forearm can destroy accuracy by having one screw too tight or one not tight enough.

Another problem I have seen with people and the Encore and other break action guns is shooting style. I get much better accuracy off the bench if I forget about bolt actions. I place the gun in the front rest by the trigger guard. (I mean all the way against the trigger guard, in the field I do the same with my Stoney Point polecat) This keeps any pressure off of the forearm.

I have heard some really good reports about the Bergara barrels ( http://www.bergarabarrels.com/ ) They are not a custom barrel and have limited cartridges. However they are cheaper then the T/C barrels. Have not tried one myself yet.
Drop, shmop. At 400 yards its about the breeze!! If your 300 mag is sub MOA at 100 yds? All you need is an interplanetary telescopic sight on top, no heart beat and practice guessing the cross wind. (And a prayer book and a concrete shooting bench to pull behind your truck). CL
Doggone right there Cloverleaf - elevation adjustments are easy - it's properly doping the wind that makes long range shooting such a challenge! :grin: