Looking for Same Accuracy but More Power

Steve. Looks like you have a great group and load going there. I wouldnt change a thing. Most loads and barrels have a sweet spot and it looks like you found it with that powder. I would hunt with it this season and if you wanted more speed you might change powders and play around with it a bit after season. You may be able to squeeze a bit more fps with a different powder and keep the same accuracy. The saying if its not broke dont fix it comes to my mind though! Good luck on the hunt!
After talking on the phone with you earlier and now seeing the groups are shooting, I would not mess with your rifle at all. I would get it zeroed at 200 and begin practicing with it. I am sure you are still carrying plenty of energy to out past 500 yards. You are going to smash any elk, deer or bear that happens to walk across your path. After the season, you may want to mess around more with your load, but right now, I would let it sit the way it is.

I think if your bolt is truly sticking because it isn't broken in a little bolt grease will help it out some. I would also guess that at 71gr's, you are at the low node of accuracy with your rifle. Usually most of my loading has shown a great shooting load at med speeds and another as you get closer to max pressure. Either way, your loads and reloading technique looks great if you are shooting loads like that. Heck, you are shooting a 225gr bullet the same speed a 30-06 puts out a 180. There isn't anything walking too far away with that 225gr AccuBond in the breadbasket. Scotty
Even if you increase the volocity to 2850 fps I can tell you no animal would be able to tell the difference. Count your blessing with that group!
I have somewhat of the same issue to where I can't leave anything alone - always messing with it, even when it's good.

I think I'm reaching a point in my life however that I have too many irons in the fire here and there. Peace of mind is quickly
over taking my need to tinker.
I'm prepping .300RUM Cases tonight and will have 15 ready to go by the end of the weekend. Peace of mind comes from knowing
next week I still have a few weeks before season & my gun is as ready as I am. :grin:

*&%$%^(*&^)*& *RADD* &%^F%^$(*&^
Powerstroke, you know where I am at. :wink:

...but like you, I am starting to understand "peace of mind" is so much better.
I am learning at 53 years and I am listening to the guys here. I think they found peace of mind a while back. :grin: :grin:
Stevesdl":3jburyv5 said:
Powerstroke, you know where I am at. :wink:

...but like you, I am starting to understand "peace of mind" is so much better.
I am learning at 53 years and I am listening to the guys here. I think they found peace of mind a while back. :grin: :grin:


You have come a long ways in a short period of time. :wink:
You are good to go.

Jim nailed it, you started reloading and got sub inch groups within a month! That is pretty good out of a regular sporting rifle and shooting a 338WM. You are set. Now, get out to the longer ranges and see how your scope works further out. Speed won't make too much difference once you figure out how your BDC lines up. Scotty