Love / hate 338 WM


Dec 13, 2006
I have this on and off thing with 338 WM rifles.

Found this today. Came with a Tikka synthetic stock and a Limbsaver pad.
I had the wood stock at home and replaced the synthetic. Moved the Limbsaver over.
Already had the Talley bases/rings.
Grabbed a Bushnell scope laying around and viola...a nice package.

Bought some of the 200gr E-tips from SPS awhile ago. Will see how this rifle shoots. Have heard the Tikka T3 are tough in 338 WM because of the light weight.

Certainly looks pretty.


Incrase the weight a little if the Tikka is too light.
Graco Mercury Recoil Reducer is one way.
Very nice rifle. I shoot with a Past Recoil shield on the bench. I can shoot 3" 12 gauge slugs, 3.5" buckshot without any pain.. They are 35.00 in most places. I don't need it for my 338 really, but it isn't nearly as light as your Tikka. Good luck, hope you find some magic with the ET's.
Nice looking rifle, but I have no experience with the .338 WM. I do use a PAST pad if I'm going to spend a long time at the bench shooting just about any rifle.
I have not found the Tikka to be impossible from the bench. Working up to full load with a light rifle allows the shooter to adjust to the increased recoil. However, the stock design on the Tikka ameliorates much of the recoil.
Nice rifle. Consider a Pachmayr Decelerater recoil pad.

JD338":1y8wbmb1 said:
Nice rifle. Consider a Pachmayr Decelerater recoil pad.


Yes very nice rifle. And Jim gotta love them pachs I know I love the one on both of my customs and my M70 FW now if Remington was only smart enough to remove the tumors on there stocks and put a pach on them they would look so much better.
G'Day Fella's,

Orchemo, good to see another .338 WM owner, it's a great cartridge!

FYI, Pachmayr also make the Extra Soft "XLT" recoil pad.
I have fitted several of these to some light weight/hard recoiling rifles, and they are even better than the Decelerator pad!

I hope that helps

I have a Ruger model 77 stainless in .338WM that shoots very good,kick is about nonexistent until you get to the 250 grainers. 8)
I have a PAST shoulder pad that I use with the, to me, "big boys". Some of you probably have a much higher tolerance.

Have had decent luck with the Limbsaver pads in reducing recoil. They all seem to get gummy after awhile.

Short range trip on Tuesday!!! A day to shoot new rifles only.

Tikkas are super rifles no doubt!,,They are deadly accurate for sure, but too light in the big bores like .338 and up...The rifle alone should be about 8lbs or so to absorb the felt recoil of a .338 mag or larger without a muzzle brake..Trust me, when buying a big brute like a .338 or .375, rifle weight plays a big role in felt recoil :shock: ....8-9lbs without scope feels good :twisted: ...Lou
The Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad on my 338 RUM made a huge difference in felt recoil, even with the 250 gr PT's at 3024 fps.

I added a muzzle break last year after I started shooting the 300 gr AB loads.

I like it a lot. If I did not have one in 338 in a Ruger #1s I would have bought the last one you advertised.
I do have a 270 WSM Tikka that shoots bugholes.
Old Corps":qkoid1zy said:
I have a Ruger model 77 stainless in .338WM that shoots very good,kick is about nonexistent until you get to the 250 grainers. 8)

Welcome to the forum old Corps. Enjoy!
Took the Tikka to the range today. Had some 225 gr Sierras and 200 gr E-tips loaded.

I was pleasantly surprised how the stock handles the recoil. From memory seems my Tikka 695 (long story, but back in my safe) has more felt recoil.

Will move some scopes around and put a Leupold 3.5-10 on this Tikka and see what loads I can work up.

Pretty rifle! Hope this one's more to the love side. I was always love-struck by the long, slender .300 case, but the more I work with the .338 the more I appreciate it.
Light weight .338's are not a good idea.
Medium+ contour, 26" barrel will take advantage of the powder capacity, and provide good weigh to help with the recoil.

That said, a buddy of mine has a Tikka in .338 Win Mag.

First time at the range he ran a few of my reloads through it and produced a .4" group. It's a real shooter!
There's always the good old muzzle brake. I have them on all my heavy weights up to 416. Ear plugs don't bruise my shoulder or make me flinch.
Just a thought.