Magnum TV - hunting shows here, online

Good information, Guy. I knew it was there, but seldom take the time to watch.
Thanks, Guy. I watch the TV shows each week. James Brion seems like a nice guy and of course Tim Herald is just a good ole country boy from Kentucky.
Thanks Guy. I record the shows each weak but did not know you can watch them on the computer as well. It's a really well made production and I like it. Not sure if any of you have watched the one put out by the Boone & Crockett club, but that's another good one to peak at.
Thanks Guy have not caught that one yet. work gets in the way of my normal every day activities. Have missed my PT for a week now. Hopefully the hundred trips a day I make up the ladder will make up for it. :grin:
Man, I love to watch them while I am deployed. Keeps me in tune with what I have to look forward to upon return! Scotty
Hey thanks Guy!

Being new here, i was unaware of the videos. Heck, i still haven`t read my way thru all of the boards yet.