22 Nosler as a trainer rifle video series


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
This is the 15th video of a series put out by Little Crow Gunworks. I watched most of them when I had a flu and found it very interesting, he has a different way of thinking than I was used to. He talks about hit probability and how the 22 Nosler ends up being a great training rifle that mimics a lot of popular hunting rounds. it's amazing how well some of the 22 cal rifles are performing at some fairly long ranges. I think some of you will find it interesting. I know some of you guys are doing this already with 223's.

I'll have to watch that one when I have a bit more time. I know that some of the PRS guys use a 223 "trainer rifle" because of the accuracy, inexpensive components, and long barrel life. Gavin built one that he dubbed the "223 Trainer" and it's turned out to be the most accurate of all his rifles. Good grief. :)

I would watch it, but I really can't stand that guy. I've watched a couple of his long range videos and he's just not for me. He seems to impose his own ethics and skills unto others, but yet he can do it...Lol I don't think so

My 223 with 75s almost mimics a 6 creed with 108s at 600, and isn't to far off at 1K either. I don't need him to tell me that.
I couldn't help myself, I had to watch what kind of BS he was spouting, and boy did he not disappoint any yet again haha. I called him out on his 7mm video and he did not like what I had to say and deleted it, because he knows I'm right, and well he's wrong.

He wants to compare his custom built rifle, in a proprietary cartridge, with a 28" tube, using handloads, to the rest being factory rifles with short barrels and factory ammo. And then use that as his argument to why his 22 nosler is superior. The guy is a total clown in my opinion. If he was actually half as smart as he thinks he is, he'd use an apples to apples comparison to validate his projections and opinions.

Take a 223 for example. He clowns on it the whole time and says it's not a reliable 1K trainer. Well I'm here to tell you it most DEFINITELY is, and even just as good as his magical 22 Nosler when set up the same way, IE, long barrels, high bc bullets, and handloaded ammo. Plenty of good shooters and myself know this about the little 223. That's why I built one...It is a great 1K trainer when built and done right, as many people know.

My 223 shoots 75g ELDMs at 3050fps with N540 from the 28" Bartlein. At 600 yards with a 10 mph wind it drifts 26" Pretty damn good if you ask me. Now take his 22 Nosler he's so high and mighty on, it drifts anywhere from 23.5"-27.5" depending on bullet/velocity. So as you can see, sure the 22 Nosler beats it by 2"-2.5" at 600 yards with a couple different bullet/loads. I guarantee you he, nor I, could tell or shoot a 2-2.5" difference at 600 yards and neither could 99% of people. It's negligible, and in his words, it doesn't matter.

Like I said, I can't stand the guy or the way he talks himself and certain things up, while totally discrediting others withbapples to oranges comparisons. He doesn't know half as much as he thinks or claims.

Plus, it's also hilarious to me how he clowned on my 300 win mag Nosler brass for my 7-300 and said it was shit, yet he built a rifle around a cartridge that uses only you guessed it, Nosler brass. What an idiot haha.
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I tried but could not make it past 10 seconds in the video. Guess I am missing out by not watching it :ROFLMAO:
I only made it about 10 minutes in just to see his comparison and numbers on his 22 Nosler, so I could prove him wrong again. After that I was done haha.
I have not even watched this video or any of his-I have no feelings about him one way or the other.
Barrel length matters, brass matters, factory speeds versus reloads can easily matter, bullets matter.
If, a person has an agenda or has sponsors he is trying to please, the consumer is not going to get a fair perspective

Glenn let a newbie to distance, use his rear grip specialty pistol (Factory barrel) in 223 Remington that wasn't even done with load development out to 800 yards last week (10" steel). I can't remember if it was a quartering head or tail wind, but it was gusty.
I wasn't there. Then, Glenn pulled out his center-grip 22 Creed XP-100, and the newbie smacked steel multiple times at a grand.

Long story short, we are adding a new guy to the specialty pistol world! He is going to do a 15" rear-grip 6.5-284(y)
I have not even watched this video or any of his-I have no feelings about him one way or the other.
Barrel length matters, brass matters, factory speeds versus reloads can easily matter, bullets matter.
If, a person has an agenda or has sponsors he is trying to please, the consumer is not going to get a fair perspective

Glenn let a newbie to distance, use his rear grip specialty pistol (Factory barrel) in 223 Remington that wasn't even done with load development out to 800 yards last week (10" steel). I can't remember if it was a quartering head or tail wind, but it was gusty.
I wasn't there. Then, Glenn pulled out his center-grip 22 Creed XP-100, and the newbie smacked steel multiple times at a grand.

Long story short, we are adding a new guy to the specialty pistol world! He is going to do a 15" rear-grip 6.5-284(y)
No way can a 223 pistol shoot 800 yards+ accurately...hahaha (heavy sarcasm)
No way can a 223 pistol shoot 800 yards+ accurately...hahaha (heavy sarcasm)
That is why I am having a 7 twist Brux being spun up in a 223AI (Center-Grip XP-100)...I want to be able to hit a target past 800 yards.
I had just over 300 pieces of Lake City 223 brass given to me. Hate to see brass go to waste. Redding FL body/bushing neck with inline seating die is here, and I have 3 bushings heading my way. Build should be done in about 4 weeks.
Sounds like a great idea to me! Can't wait to see what you can do with it.

I really debated on the 223 AI, but I decided against it for FF and expensive dies. Figured I'd be pretty close to AI numbers with a 28" tube from the 223 Wylde anyway.
Sounds like a great idea to me! Can't wait to see what you can do with it.

I really debated on the 223 AI, but I decided against it for FF and expensive dies. Figured I'd be pretty close to AI numbers with a 28" tube from the 223 Wylde anyway.
A fast twist 223 Remington is the "Easy Button" for sure.
I have two rear grip (15" and a 18") fast twist 223's and one center grip (15").
Love them!
Ok didn't expect this would be so controversial lol.
I believe they chose the 22 Nosler because it has a bit more case capacity than the 223 so you don't have to lean on it as hard to get to the speed they were hoping to get and still have good barrel life. I think it can get around 200 fps roughly more than a 223.

As for bullets he likes a mono bullet for hunting at high speed and considers 600 yards to be max. At the other extreme some guys like "target" bullets and shoot father than that. I'm in between those two camps but don't have an issue with either one. Different guys like different performance and can use whatever they like, not a big deal if it works for them.

There are some guys even on this thread that have developed the skill set to shoot way out there. The truth is very few guys are actually able to do that and have no business shooting at long range. My limit at this time is 400 yards and I'm not going past that until I am able to consistently do well farther out.

My point is posting this up was to talk about using a smaller round to develop the skill without the added cost or burning out your barrel on your main hunting rifles

Hopefully we can get part the differences in bullet performance and preference behind and talk about the trainer rifle aspect instead. That's the part I'm interested in.
My 22 Nosler has an 8t and shoots the 77 gr bullet into big holes. I grabbed a bunch of the 70 gr ABs on sale a while back pretty much just run that bullet. It makes a mess on woodchucks.

Ok didn't expect this would be so controversial lol.
I believe they chose the 22 Nosler because it has a bit more case capacity than the 223 so you don't have to lean on it as hard to get to the speed they were hoping to get and still have good barrel life. I think it can get around 200 fps roughly more than a 223.

As for bullets he likes a mono bullet for hunting at high speed and considers 600 yards to be max. At the other extreme some guys like "target" bullets and shoot father than that. I'm in between those two camps but don't have an issue with either one. Different guys like different performance and can use whatever they like, not a big deal if it works for them.

There are some guys even on this thread that have developed the skill set to shoot way out there. The truth is very few guys are actually able to do that and have no business shooting at long range. My limit at this time is 400 yards and I'm not going past that until I am able to consistently do well farther out.

My point is posting this up was to talk about using a smaller round to develop the skill without the added cost or burning out your barrel on your main hunting rifles

Hopefully we can get part the differences in bullet performance and preference behind and talk about the trainer rifle aspect instead. That's the part I'm interested in.

I think the controversial part was the guy doing the videos more than anything.
If it were me shooting a RIFLE for a PRS/NRL training rig, I would go with a fast twist 223 Remington out of convenience and simplicity, since I already have quality 223 brass and quality dies.
If someone wanted a tad more horsepower, and went with the 22 Nosler that would be fine as well.
If you went with the Nos, just because you want one=COOL!
It is your money-Spend it the way you want to!!!
I think the controversial part was the guy doing the videos more than anything.
If it were me shooting a RIFLE for a PRS/NRL training rig, I would go with a fast twist 223 Remington out of convenience and simplicity, since I already have quality 223 brass and quality dies.
If someone wanted a tad more horsepower, and went with the 22 Nosler that would be fine as well.
If you went with the Nos, just because you want one=COOL!
It is your money-Spend it the way you want to!!!
Exactly my point, people can do what they like with their money and can have differing views on what they like. I can see why people like the 223 since it's easy to find guns and ammo. The 22 Nosler is neat too and honesty should be a popular round for those who want a bit more.

Not sure what I will eventually get but it won't be a 223 for personal reasons. I do think it's a good round though.
Exactly my point, people can do what they like with their money and can have differing views on what they like. I can see why people like the 223 since it's easy to find guns and ammo. The 22 Nosler is neat too and honesty should be a popular round for those who want a bit more.

Not sure what I will eventually get but it won't be a 223 for personal reasons. I do think it's a good round though.
I believe in variety, and I like to embrace many different 22 caliber centerfire cartridges: 221 Fireball AI, 223 Rem, 223 AI, 224 Valkyrie (G-2 pistol), 22-250, 22GT, and 22 Creedmoor.
My 223 Rem's, 22 GT's, and 22 Creed's are the hands down favorites though.
I expect the 223AI will be among the favorites soon.
In the past, I have had 221 Fireball, 222 Remington, 22-250AI, and 220 Swift.