Man.... I love Ruger #1's here is my new one


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
25-06 of course !!!!!

Probably the most handsome #1 I have ever seen!
What wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never been a big fan of the 25 cals, but that one looks good enough I don't think I could of turned away from it!

Great looking #1 indeed.
Nice one Pop, congratulations. It sure has a beautiful stock.


Looks like the fore-end piece has some nice figure to it as well. Often find a really nice butt stock on the Number Ones - coupled with a pretty plain fore end. This one looks good all the way.

Great cartridge by the way - a perfect match for the Number One IMHO! :grin:
Why don't you tell the truth and let everyone know you have been borrowing my Ruger #1's and it is time you sent them back. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Very nice pop. You're right about the wood, very unique indeed and beautiful. Let us know how she shoots when you get a chance to get out. :grin:
That stock was made from a burl but it doesn't have any of the cavities that usually pockmark burls that large. You have an extreemly rare and beautiful piece of wood on that #1. Now, how does it shoot?
Dont care much for the #1's, but I gotta admit, I do like the cartridge choice!!!

Nice rifle POP!

Hope it shoots ok for you.
Should be here Monday.... We will see how she shoots!
That's a sweet one Pop! It would look real nice hanging next to mine, for sure. If it gets lonely, send it right over! :grin:
you sure can pickem Pop! looks good. andI'm pretty sure you'll make it shoot good too.
Such a great caliber too. My pre-64 Mod 70 re-barreled with a Shilen #4 contour 26" shot 57gr. H4831 SSC a little over 3300 fps with 100 gr Partitions. Shot a ragged hole. A whitetail slayer here in Texas too. Shot almost as flat as you could see. Also a spectacular rifle in that great cal. Be interesting to see how she shoots. Any idea what scope/power you're gonna nail on? Many congrats on your appropriation!
Almost looks like a twin to Guy's.... You could send them both to me and I could compare them for you.... :lol: Both very nice!! CL
Hey Pop,
I just heard there was an amber alert issued for a high jacked mail truck in Wyoming.
Sorry about your luck. You have too many guns anyway. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can not wait! I went to Cabellas in Sidney Nebraska yesterday and they had 50% off sale on some stuff. Bought 100 ( 2 boxes) of 115 gr ballistic silvertips for 17.00!!!

My buddy bought Remigton ultra bonded bullets for reloading Barnes MRX and Barnes TSX for 15.00 a box. He bought them all,