moly coated ctbts

The coating on the CT BT's isn't moly. It's what Winchester calls Lubalox. Remember Lubaloy in the 70's? I don't think it makes a difference one way or the other. Personally, I think it was just a marketing ploy to make those Darth Vader looking Winchester Supreme rounds look cool, black and silver bullet with nickel case. You Oakland Raiders fans probably love them. :)
I've shot them for years. There seems to be a consensus with the Lubalox coating of shooting a few more feet per second. When I say a few more I really do mean a few more. 5,10 or even 20 fps more but not enough to relay into inches of trajectory down range.

It does leave less copper in the bbl. This is of course at the expense of leaving the black coating in your bbl. I've found to have gotten less copper in the bbl but there is a lot of black.

When cleaning it doesn't seem to take any more effort to clean. If anything it might take a little less effort and time to get that mirror finish. This could be the black lubalox working with the bore cleaner getting rid of everything.

I use them in many platforms because we shoot a lot. The point to that is the Lubalox does appear to reduce some friction and over the span of a lot of shooting that could help the bbl live just a little longer.
haven't noticed much one way or the other with the lubalox but I've been moly coating my bullets in all calibers for years now and moly definitely does change the paradigm and when you couple it with TETRA Oiling the barrel you have more work and extrapolation to arrive at finish loads but not only does the moly coating reduce friction but it appears that the bullet flies with less air resistance as well - I have read that there is potential for corrosion in wet environments with CM barrels but I cannot verify that, with SS barrels though, I have not seen any adverse effects and once you "master" the cleaning technique then barrels are a breeze to clean - messy to deal with and some added nuisance BUT if you are stiving to gain maximum efficiency it pays dividends