Moose Hunt


May 26, 2012
Wife told me I could go moose hunting next year.

I'm looking at Newfoundland but open to other suggestions. Who do I talk to, where do I go, all that good stuff. :grin:

While I would like a huge rack I'm a meat hunter. First priority is filling the tag for meat in the freezer. Part of my selling her on this hunt was that we would get a year's supply of meat out of the deal. What attracted me to Newfoundland was the 90% success rate. What discourages me is having to use a Guide. Nothing against Guides I'm more of a DIY with help from friends type.

Being a help from friends type has gotten me some wonderful friendships and memories that using a guide wouldn't afford me. Last year I went to Wyoming with one such friend. This year that friend comes to Arizona to hunt coues deer with me helping him.

I'm open to suggestions and willing to learn. What say you all?
Send a pm to 270WSM. Lou has hunted Newfoundland several times and can likely help you with intel. There is a high density of moose in Newfoundland. 257 Ackley has hunted Ontario in the past; he could give you some insight into what is entailed with crossing the border. A moose hunt in British Columbia can be somewhat more costly. However, the Alaska moose found in northern British Columbia and the Yukon makes a very exciting hunt. Some sites that may be helpful to you are:
Vince":2lt5uthk said:
Wife told me I could go moose hunting next year.

I'm looking at Newfoundland but open to other suggestions. Who do I talk to, where do I go, all that good stuff. :grin:

While I would like a huge rack I'm a meat hunter. First priority is filling the tag for meat in the freezer. Part of my selling her on this hunt was that we would get a year's supply of meat out of the deal. What attracted me to Newfoundland was the 90% success rate. What discourages me is having to use a Guide. Nothing against Guides I'm more of a DIY with help from friends type.

Being a help from friends type has gotten me some wonderful friendships and memories that using a guide wouldn't afford me. Last year I went to Wyoming with one such friend. This year that friend comes to Arizona to hunt coues deer with me helping him.

I'm open to suggestions and willing to learn. What say you all?
Vince, if your going to hunt Newfoundland, I can direct you to an awesome outfitter, this outfitter and his staff are just amazing!..If you want moose, this is the place, a near 100% success rate. I got lucky and drew a bull tag here in Ontario,so I well be hunting here close to the Manitoba border in mid October, might go back to newfoundland for moose in November?..If you need any info, just pm me, and I'll give you more details, and info on newfoundland etc.
Regards, Lou

Thank you both! I have to run out the door this morning but rest assured I will be sending a PM post haste. Good luck Lou. I wish you the best and would love to hear about your Ontario moose hunt. Mike, I will be looking forward to hearing about your, and Noah's, upcoming moose hunt.

Good luck Vince. Hope you get to to Newfoundland. I know if I were strictly hunting moose, the place that Lou went last Fall would be #1. He spoke very highly of the outfit and had plenty of sightings as well.

A years worth of moose meat is pretty danged nice! Better than having an Angus hanging in the cooler!
If I remember correctly, Newfoundland moose tags are only available to residents and outfitters. I do not believe that any non-res can engage in a DIY hunt there. This may be true of all the provinces but I'm not sure.
Vince - go for it!

I'm very jealous. Stalking the moose is something I've wanted to do for some time... Don't have a ghost of a chance of drawing a Washington tag. Am going to have to buck up and make an Alaskan or Canadian hunt happen someday...

Really looking forward to your hunt report & photos!

Vince, I can send you some info on a drop hunt in Alaska. Two of my uncles and I are heading up near Delta Junction for the first 2 weeks of September for a moose hunt. We were not wild about using a guide either so we went with a drop hunt. Being flown in and dropped off for 10 days is more our style. I am sure the success rate is higher with a guide though.

PM inbound.

bbearhntr, I will send you a PM in the near future. Good luck on your moose hunt. Your drop camp sounds like a heck of an idea. I look forward to hearing about it and seeing pictures when you post them.

Vince, I would look into the logistics of getting the meat home.

might be able to spend a bit more on somewhere in BC/Yukon if it cut down on the driving cost/lost work? or spend a couple extra days north vs driving east...

I will say for me, I love the looks of the bulls in the north west, but really trying to get moose, bear, elk all in the east since thats where i live
Vince":2y455sg6 said:

PM inbound.

bbearhntr, I will send you a PM in the near future. Good luck on your moose hunt. Your drop camp sounds like a heck of an idea. I look forward to hearing about it and seeing pictures when you post them.

Vince, Pm sent, Lou
OK, moose hunt for 2015 is booked. :grin:

I'll fly in to Gander and hunt out of a lodge. Six days of chasing moose and hoping to put meat in the freezer for the year. I'm already excited!

The wife is going to think I'm dangerous with a credit card and take it away.

Vince":1jvytgs5 said:
OK, moose hunt for 2015 is booked. :grin:

I'll fly in to Gander and hunt out of a lodge. Six days of chasing moose and hoping to put meat in the freezer for the year. I'm already excited!

The wife is going to think I'm dangerous with a credit card and take it away.

Vince, good for you! :grin: ..Man, you well have a Moose hunt of a life time in Newfoundland!..I was lucky enough to draw a bull tag here in Ontario, and leave October 17 for the Mighty Majestic Moose 8) ..would be nice to fill my tag, but I'd rather see one of the other guys in my group hammer one!..I'm just happy to be a part of it :) ..I've shot 6 Moose so far, trust me just pick your shot, and they go down real fast!
Good luck to you, and congrats!
Vince":327qou54 said:
OK, moose hunt for 2015 is booked. :grin:

I'll fly in to Gander and hunt out of a lodge. Six days of chasing moose and hoping to put meat in the freezer for the year. I'm already excited!

The wife is going to think I'm dangerous with a credit card and take it away.


Congratulations! When you wife tastes the meat, all will be forgiven.
Congrats, you'll have a great time. There is nothing quite like moose hunting :)
Thank you all.

This is all so surreal for me. After talking with three different outfitters I chucked it all and called Cabela's. It turns out they use one of the outfitters I was talking with so I guess I was on the right track. Having Cabela's handle it makes things easier, for me, and takes a lot of the headache out of the whole deal.

Now all I have to worry about is funding the trip and getting to Gander, Newfoundland. It's a good thing Cabela's has a travel agency department too. :)
Vince":1ovnopma said:
Now all I have to worry about is funding the trip and getting to Gander, Newfoundland. It's a good thing Cabela's has a travel agency department too. :)

Getting to Canada isn't all that hard. Just head north from any of the lower 48, and you should find it. :mrgreen: Good luck to you.
DrMike":2n8rpgjd said:
Vince":2n8rpgjd said:
Now all I have to worry about is funding the trip and getting to Gander, Newfoundland. It's a good thing Cabela's has a travel agency department too. :)

Getting to Canada isn't all that hard. Just head north from any of the lower 48, and you should find it. :mrgreen: Good luck to you.

Yeah, I know that.
Fell asleep once in New Mexico and woke up at the Canadian border. We told Danny to drive north on I-25. He couldn't read but he could follow directions. We were going to WY and totally missed it. He drove straight through to Canada.
I am sorry for coming in so late. Congratulations Vince, you will have a excellent time. Lou has had some great trips to NF. If you have not had a crack at a Moose before you will be surprised for such a big animal they going down quite easily when using the right combination of rifle & bullet :).
I am will be looking forward to lots of photos & a good story!
