more testing with the 270


Nov 17, 2005
forgot to add that I did a couple other loads out of my 270 and also cronied them today. I tried 52g imr 4350 with the 140g sst. Gave me a .75" group and right at 2900fps. 51.7g with same sst bullet, gave me a 1.5" group. So i will go up .3g and see what it does for me. I also tried 51.7g imr 4350 with the 140g sbt. it gave me a .680" group at 100 yards. I also loaded up 10 shells at 52g imr 4350 and the 140g sbt. It gave me a .75" group at 100, thats why I did 51.7g to see if it would tighten up the flyer, which it did a little, but I might even go to 51.5g to see if it will get rid of the flyer completely. Anyways, I shot a group with the 52g load of 4350 and the 140sbt at 200 yards and was also zeroing the load at this point. it gave me a 1.6" group and were clocking at 2850fps. once I got them zeroed, I shot a couple empty powder cans filled with water at 300 yards. I used my last 3 shells to fire a group at 500 yards, and it was a 6" group. Not to shabby for throwing some loads together. I'm starting to not mind this .270 one bit. WIth a little time spent and tinkering, I'm gonna get me that .5" group at 100, and hopefully bring my groups down to 4-5" at 500 yards. I only tried 1 other load with the 130g btip as I only had 4 bullets left. My previous load shot 54g imr 4350 into .75", i went down to 53.7g to see if it would tighten up, and it actually opneded it up to 1". I wished I had 3 more bullets and I would go up to 54.3g and see if It would give me a .5" group. Oh well, they were clocking right at 3000fps. I was happy with my velocities considering my barrel is only 22" long, and my dads 7 mag was only getting 2960fps with a 150g and a 24" barrel, burning 11g more powder. he was kinda mad at the velocity and couldn't see why the book said 3200plus, i told him not to expect that and I was right, but with a 4 shot group of .45" i told him not to complain and no deer will know the difference when you put that bullet in its shoulder. All in all it was a good day at the range. I am still not totally done testing my 270 yet, still trying to work out the little flyers that give me a .75" group, im looking for a .5" group. Going up and down in .3g increments really does make a differnce. This is the first gun I"ve tried it with. My 2 bullets of choice right now are the 140g sbt, and the 140g sst. I would rather shoot the sst as its BC is a little higher, and I think it will hold up better in the accuracy field at longer ranges. Time will tell. I'll keep ya'll posted as time progresses.
Rem Man,

Did you ever get the trigger figured out?
You might also adjust the COL to find the sweet spot for your sub .5 MOA.
Good shooting.

Yes I finally did get the trigger. I never did get that 1 screw out, but I got it to work by adjusting the 2. It seems to work just as good to me, and the trigger is probly 2.25-2.5 lbs. Just like my .222 anyways. Its a lot better. Didn't really help with my flyers at all like I would have hoped, but oh well. I did try 55g IMR-4350 with a 130g btip, it gave me a 1.25" group, I tried 54g that same day and it gave me a .75" group. So that got me thinking that with more powder it opened it up a tad, so thats why I went to 53.7g, but that gave me a 1 inch group. Then I ran out of bullets. I only had 10 of them. I really would liked to try 54.3g to see what it would have done. I'm just using the maximum stated OAL of 3.340" The rem magazine is looooong, I still have plenty of room to seat them .277" bullets out. Do you think I should try seating them out to about 3.4" or so?? It will also raise the velocity since there closer to the lands. Cant try H-4831 right now, I dont have any, and dont have $20 to buy any right now. We have quite a bit of IMR-4350 though. I'm going to work on the 140g sbt's and sst's. There both giving me 2 shots touching, then they throw a flyer about .5" inch, making the group .75" If I could just get the flyer to now throw so far, maybe say .25", then I'd have my .5" group. I really like to see .5" groups for shooting longer ranges out to 600-700 yards. Theres nothing wrong with 3/4", but to me its a confidence thing.
remingtonman_25_06":33ebpy62 said:
Yes I finally did get the trigger. I never did get that 1 screw out, but I got it to work by adjusting the 2. It seems to work just as good to me, and the trigger is probly 2.25-2.5 lbs. Just like my .222 anyways. Its a lot better. Didn't really help with my flyers at all like I would have hoped, but oh well. I did try 55g IMR-4350 with a 130g btip, it gave me a 1.25" group, I tried 54g that same day and it gave me a .75" group. So that got me thinking that with more powder it opened it up a tad, so thats why I went to 53.7g, but that gave me a 1 inch group. Then I ran out of bullets. I only had 10 of them. I really would liked to try 54.3g to see what it would have done. I'm just using the maximum stated OAL of 3.340" The rem magazine is looooong, I still have plenty of room to seat them .277" bullets out. Do you think I should try seating them out to about 3.4" or so?? It will also raise the velocity since there closer to the lands. Cant try H-4831 right now, I dont have any, and dont have $20 to buy any right now. We have quite a bit of IMR-4350 though. I'm going to work on the 140g sbt's and sst's. There both giving me 2 shots touching, then they throw a flyer about .5" inch, making the group .75" If I could just get the flyer to now throw so far, maybe say .25", then I'd have my .5" group. I really like to see .5" groups for shooting longer ranges out to 600-700 yards. Theres nothing wrong with 3/4", but to me its a confidence thing.

Good to hear it :lol:
Rem Man,

You are right, the M700 magizine is long. Seat the bullets just off the lands.
Put a bullet in a F.F. case and close the action. Remove it carefully and take that COL measurement. Try seating bullets into loaded cases about .020" and see what you get.
My 280 Rem has a COL of 3.44" and my 280AI is 3.50". and they feed just fine.

My model 700 .270 has always shot better with 150 gr bullets. I just couldn't seat the 130s out far enough to get close to the lands. My best load now is the 150 ballistic tip with Reloder 22. It chronos at around 2950 fps. from the 22 inch barrel.
I might try seating my bullets to 3.4" or a little longer. I have never understood how you get the measurement off the lands by putting a bullet in a case and shutting the bolt. Myabe I'm just stupid, but I'm more of a learner that has to see it done, versus being told how to do it. Bruce, I like the velocity your getting with that 150g bt. How many grains are you using? That bullet would be awesome for Long range deer work with its high BC, also going 2900fps, would really wack them! Might have to buy a box of those 150g btips!
remingtonman_25_06":1aoqcn33 said:
I might try seating my bullets to 3.4" or a little longer. I have never understood how you get the measurement off the lands by putting a bullet in a case and shutting the bolt. Myabe I'm just stupid, but I'm more of a learner that has to see it done, versus being told how to do it. Bruce, I like the velocity your getting with that 150g bt. How many grains are you using? That bullet would be awesome for Long range deer work with its high BC, also going 2900fps, would really wack them! Might have to buy a box of those 150g btips!
If you are interested in trying some of the .270 150 gr Ballistic Tips, Shooter's Pro Shop has the factory seconds for just $7.95 per bag of 50. Pretty good deal. They say cosmetic blems, but I have always had good luck with their "seconds".
The key is having the right amount of tension on the bullet so that it is able to slide further into the case without wobbling around. You need a fired case, and try to do a partial neck size only. Seat your bullet long and put it in the gun. As you close the action on your gun the bullet comes in contact with the rifling and slides further back into the case. When you eject the cartidge it should represent the exact length at which that particulat bullet touches the lands on your gun. Then subtracting .020" from that length should give you a good starting point to optomize accuracy.

However, I've found that it's hard to get that starting tension between the case and bullet just right. Too much tension and the bullet isn't just touching the lands, it's shoved into them and the action is hard to close. Too little tension and the bullet will come out of the case when you try to eject the cartridge. This is especially true for bolt action guns. If there isn't enough tension on the bullet that is touching the lands the twisting action of the ejection process essentially unscrews the bullet right out of the case.

The method I like to use is to take a regular case and seat the bullet long, and keep slowly shortening the cartidge in my seating die until the action closes smoothly. My theory is that when the action closes smoothly that is also the point at which the bullet is touching the lands. The I subtract .020" and shoot. Usually gets me close, then I tinker around with the OAL until I find the sweet spot. Hopes this long post helps.
Here are the targets I have shot so far with teh 140g sbt's and 140g sst. They are all .75" groups at 100 yards. Most are 2 touchign or very close, with a flyer of about .5". Just trying to work out that flyer issue. The load on top is with 52g imr 4350 and 140g sst. the next group is with 54g imr 4350 and 130g btip. the 3rd group is 52g imr 4350 and 140g sbt, the bottom group is 51.7g imr 4350 and 140g sbt, this group is actually .6", but still has a flyer.

Start with about 57.0 grs of Reloder 22 and work up to you or your rifle's max. The max should be around 58 to 59. I know several folks that have tried this load and all have had good success.
I second Bruce, 58.0 gr of RL22 is what mine liked before it became an Improved.

I'm thinking that you need to start thinking of what you'll take for that 280.
I bought a can of H-4831SC today. I also loaded up 13 more loads. Half of them are still with imr 4350, and the others are with the 4831sc. I am still using the 140g, sbt's and sst's. I also chose another bullet to work with, the 150g btip. I also lengthened my OAL. I was just going by the book and going with 3.340" for all bullets. i still had a ton of room left in my magazine so today I was experimenting a little and came up with these OAL's. For my 140g sierra boat tails, I came up with 3.410" For my 140g sst's, I came up with 3.470", and for the 150g btips, I got 3.480" Hopefully with the longer OAL, I'll get a couple loads to shoot under .5" I know the velocity will improve by at least 50fps since the OAL is longer. I'll post the results and pics of the 13 groups for all to see.
Lengthing your COL is a good move and should improve accuracy.
BTW, your groups are not too shabby as the are. Just need to tinker withit a little.

JD- For longer range shooting up and out to 600-700 yards for deer, I just like to see .5" groups because then I know the rifle and load is up to the task at hand. Theoretically, it should shoot 6-7" group at that range, but usually, they shoot better. Of course shooting at that distance will tell. Its just more of a confidence thing, but at long range, every little bit of accuracy helps, and counts. the difference of .75" and .5" at 100 yards are neglible, but when you get out to 700 yards, that .5" can be 3.5", while the .75" load can be upwards of 5" or so. That 1.5" is a big difference. Again its just a confidence thing and when you know your rifle and load are up to it, and you practice that range, it just makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside when that deer steps out 600 yards and you know you can whack him on that 1st shot. I always test my loads at the maximum distance I intend to shoot for deer which is 600 yards right now. So I like to have the most accurate group as I can, it only helps me.
Its windy again today, so I wont be shooting my loads. Dang it anyways. This weekend I'm going to spokane to visit family before I leave for basic training. Watch, this weekend will be perfect weather for me to be out testing loads, and im stuck sitting at familys house.
Have been testing quite a few loads lately with my 270. Changing things here and there a tad. Went to a longer OAL, and have been either adding .3g or subtracting .3g of powder. I tried a couple loads at 300 yards. I think I have 1, maybe 2 loads that I will use. The one I think is a keeper is 58g h4831sc, and the 140g sst. I got a .55" 3 shot group at 100 yards. Shot it at 300 yards today and got a 1.5" 3 shot group. Muzzle velocity is 2980fps. The other load that shows promise at 300 yards is follows. 57.3g h-4831sc, 150g btip. Velocity is 2925fps. Gave me a .9" group at 100 yards, then a 2.5" 3 shot group at 300 yards. I"m going to work around them 2 loads mainly. H-4831sc is giving me a lot tigher velocity spreads, usually no more then 30fps was recorded with several loads. When i was using imr4350, the velocity spread was as much as 100fps. The 140g sbt's are not grouping very well at 300 yards. Horrible actually. They shoot ok at 100 yards, but dont keep the moa accuracy they should when the distance gets long. One reason why I love plastic tip bullets for Long range shooting. They seem to keep the accuracy at longer ranges better then conventional lead tipped bullets. I also loaded up a couple loads with the 140g AB's. I did not want to load these up because I dont feel you need a bonded bullet for deer, but what the heck, I figured since I had them I would try them for accuracy. The Nosler book says they should be pretty accurate at the higher powder charges with h4831sc, so I just couldn't resist trying them. I will shoot them at 300 yards to compare with the 150g btip and sst. I'm looking for something that will group at least 2" at 300 yards. The sst, gave me that group, but just seeing if theres something else that will. I just like to tinker to much. I'll keep everyone posted and see what my final loads will be out of my new toy. I kinda like this .270.