Mounts Won't Tighten

What's perplexing me is why is the mount tight? It's like it's on there with 10-15 in/lbs. You can try to wiggle in left and right and nothing yet the screws will turn.
Nope, it's a torx head and I have plenty of bits to check with before I start. There was one that fit perfect out of my Fat Wrench bits.
My last try was to use the crook of a coat hanger and bend the end about 3/8" 90 degrees and hooked it under the mount to apply whatever pressure I could on the bottom of the screw through the receiver and then tried to take the screws out dice. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
Split the mounts, carefully, with a Dremel and a cutting wheel....that should leave enough screw sticking up to get a hold of and remove...

I only offer this as a it at your own risk...

That should work.

It was a suggestion offered to me when I had my ordeal a while back, but I didn't get the suggestion until after the gunsmith had drilled a hole through my barrel.
It was a suggestion offered to me when I had my ordeal a while back, but I didn't get the suggestion until after the gunsmith had drilled a hole through my barrel.

Good grief!! :shock:

I don't feel too comfortable using the Dremel in order to cut the mount. I guess my only alternative is to take it to a smith. I don't know what he could do I haven't already tried but that's what he's in business for. I so hoped I could get those two screws out. I've mentioned it a couple of times and still scratching my head as to why the mount won't move. I can't get a grip on it to pull it up and try to back out the screws as it's tight to the receiver...makes no sense at all with the loose screws.
Choose your gunsmith CAREFULLY...and make sure he's aware of the depth of the holes before he starts drilling.
The holes go all the way through the top of the receiver. I can see underneath the two holes. That's why I knew I could try the coat hanger and just push up and make contact with the bottom of the screws but, it didn't work.
If it were me...and I had the your situation...I wouldn't drill at all....I'd machine the mounts off in a mill.
It's the front holes that you have to worry about...they go through the receiver, but the barrel tenon is under them...the smith I used drilled through that too...all the way through to the chamber.
I wish I had the knowledge and the equipment. I'd try at least but, I have neither. This just makes me sick.

Fortunately I had no problem with the front holes, just the back two.
The rifle is fine...not hurt at all, other than maybe needing 8-40 threads after this, but that's no big deal really.

Just be sure your smith is a good one...don't be afraid or reluctant to send the rifle wherever it may need to go to be fixed right...that was the mistake I made.

There are plenty of true gunsmiths around...folks like Chad at Long Rifles Inc....he's in South Dakota.

With good guys like him around...there is no need to let a hack ruin a good rifle.
I only know of a couple of smiths and they work together at my LGS. I'd hate to have to send it off, wait weeks or more and chance the stock getting scratched or gauged. I looked a long time in this caliber to find one as nicely figured as this one and would be on pins and needles till it got back.

You don't have to send the stock....I'm pretty sure he'd only need the barreled action...and he knows model 70's.

It's up to you...but choose carefully.
I wonder if I could just drill the heads off those screws and get them out that way. As loose as they are, however, maybe the screw would just spin and I'd gain nothing.
I'm still thinking....maybe an EZ out? Trying to come up with something rather than having to send it off.
Trust me...

You'd rather send it off than screw it up...have you read the thread about what happened to my model 70?