Mounts Won't Tighten

I did read most of it and made me shiver! I recall trying to take the barreled action off my other FN M70 and could not get it to budge. I've never had a rifle you couldn't separate the action from the stock but this one was a bear and I could only lift the barrel from the stock maybe 1/16th inch. In all likelihood, this one will probably be the same. That's why I was concerned about sending the entire rifle off. some made a recommendation of putting it in a freezer over night but I don't have a freezer that large.
It'll come out...I know they're stuck pretty tight...but it will come may booger up that rather poor factory bedding...but that's gonna happen anyway when the smith removes it.
I don't think it's glue like they use to use. I'm not sure what the material is but don't believe it's glue. Whatever it may be it sure does it's job.
One last thought was to attach the bottom ring to the mount dovetail and lift up on it using it as leverage and attempt to unscrew them. However, I can't get the mount to move in any direction so I have to doubt that attaching the bottom ring would work. Loose screws and tight mount...go figure.
It's not's their version of a bedding reason it sticks so tight is because they don't put anything in front of the lug to give it some clearance...getting it out the first time is just like the first time you remove the action from any bedding job...usually requires a rubber mallet and some persuasion.
I wish I could get a small jewelers screwdriver under the mount to maybe lift it up even just a small amount and lift up and then try to unscrew them but you can't even get a business card under it. I don't want to mar the finish since there's no room to try.
I hope you get it straightened out...I also hope I haven't came across as being "pushy" trying to get you to send it to a real gunsmith...

But having been in your shoes, made the wrong decision, and paid the price...I'd hate to see it happen to anyone else.
I welcome with open arms any suggestions to get this problem solved. I can't imagine how you must have felt when the smith messed up your rifle. I've never had that to experience and live in hopes I never will. It just makes me sick with this one as I watched it for a good month agonizing over getting it and after doing so end up with this problem I never had before. I hate it when I can't fix things myself. 90% of the time I've always been able to do so.
ColColt":dpcx1iuu said:
I wish I could get a small jewelers screwdriver under the mount to maybe lift it up even just a small amount and lift up and then try to unscrew them but you can't even get a business card under it. I don't want to mar the finish since there's no room to try.

Use vise grips on the mount to lift it up, and then try to unscrew them...then trash those mounts,
Update-I had went back to it before reading the above and decided to put the bottom ring on. Of course, it takes gorilla strength to do that with DD monts and rings. As I got to the final half turn or so it all broke loose. Next thing I knew I'm looking at the receiver sans mount. It landed on the bench and totally came loose from the receiver. I noticed the holes in the receiver look more oblong than they do circular but shining a light in the hole to view the threads there's nothing obviously wrong I can't get the screws out still. I pushed up from the bottom of the screws while turning with the torx bit and they do as before, just spin.

I'm wondering now if a 6-48 tap to chase those threads would do any good. If so, I'd just order a new set of mounts/screws. i have to believe somebody at Winchester screwed up in drilling/tapping the holes for this scope. No matter now, I hope I don't have to drill/tap for an 8-40 screw.
I know I'm late to the party but, I would have called Leupold to find out what they had to say. Depending on the answer, or recommendation, I'd go to the next step. Whatever that may be.
I decided to not try and fix it myself although I fought hard not doing that. I took the rifle this morning to my LGS and asked to talk with "Joe", the resident old timer gunsmith, told him the problem and he took the rifle and told me to hang around a little while and he'd fix things in a few minutes. About twenty minutes later he came back with the rifle re-tapped to 6-48, took the bottom DD ring off and put some anti-seize on it and told me it would gall if I didn't do that so he mounted the base mount, put the bottom ring on and installed two new screws. In short, he did all that in short order and now it's fine. I look forward to finish mounting the scope today and lapping the rings if need be. I'm a much happier camper now that I know I wouldn't have to re-drill/rap to 8-40 size.

He did tell me the threads in the receiver were a little rough and that's what probably caused the initial problem. After chasing them the new screws went in and out easily.
Good deal! I'm surely glad that you were able to get it fixed. Now, for the finished pictures! :grin:
Here it is. Talk about close. I thought I was gong to have to switch to another base mount system. If that scope had been another 1/6th inch shorter I would have. The front ring is so close to the bell I almost did but after all I went through it would have been a dire necessity to do so. I have to admit, that 2.5-8X sure looks good on it. :grin:

These photobucket pictures seem to soften the original image even after I sharpened it. More obvious in the second picture.

Very nice. The Winchester is a handsome rifle in its own right; the Leupold lends an air of sophistication in this instance.
I have to admit, I was most worried about it. That's the most trouble I've ever had mounting a scope and I hope the last. Now, if I can just get out to the range to try her out. I'm having visions of mule deer and antelope dancing in my head...and maybe a few kudu.