Mounts Won't Tighten

Glad ya got that rifle fixed and by now you have burnt some powder in it and it is a sweet looking rifle and down low is the way I like them which I have messed up on occasion but great news ya got things fixed and at a reasonable price!
Thanks to an old friend I may get to shoot it next week. I haven't been out to the range in three weeks and am getting most antsy. I can't walk the distance to the 100 yard target frame yet due to my leg/foot problem so, he's going with me and will do the leg work of tacking the targets up and retrieving them when I'm done. Talk about a bud! Hopefully, after the operation I'll be able to be normal again.
My range they allow you to drive down to the 200 & 300 yard lines! I wish you were close to me as I would be glad to help ya out as if i am in any better shape but I have driven down as well to the 100 yd line a time or 2 ! Just glad ya got that thing up and running!
I've thought of looking into a motorized scooter of some sort. Our range only goes to 200 yards but that's a heck of a long way looking at that target frame from the benches. Time was I could have ran that far. I remember in junior high school(9th grade IIRC) President Kennedy had a program gong about youth fitness and we did the shot put thing, javelin, and 100 yard dash. I recall running that somewhere between 9.8 and 10.2. I could still probably do 9 minutes and 8 seconds if I tried. :mrgreen:
ColColt":3tjsyrz7 said:
I've thought of looking into a motorized scooter of some sort. Our range only goes to 200 yards but that's a heck of a long way looking at that target frame from the benches. Time was I could have ran that far. I remember in junior high school(9th grade IIRC) President Kennedy had a program gong about youth fitness and we did the shot put thing, javelin, and 100 yard dash. I recall running that somewhere between 9.8 and 10.2. I could still probably do 9 minutes and 8 seconds if I tried. :mrgreen:

Yeah, I'm feeling as if I need to do the 100 yard drag nowadays. :grin: Even the 100 yard saunter is a challenge at times.
I'll be happy after that operation in a couple weeks just to be able to walk that 200 yards without pain...100 yards down to the frame and back. That would make me most happy.
I am glad everything worked out fine. That is a great looking rifle, the Leuy looks sharp as well!!

Very nice looking rifle, I'm very happy you got it all taken care of and fixed properly :)

Chomping at the bits to get her out for a trial run. The reloads are ready to go. I just have to wait until my friend decides which day he can go with me to tack up those targets. I feel rather bad I have to get someone to do that but if I want to shoot it's the only way I can until the operation is over and I can hopefully walk as normal again. I only got to shoot thirty rounds from a recently purchased Savage Predator Hunter in 22-250 before the problems set it so, I'm taking that one as well. May as well enjoy things while I can. :)
ColColt":28664zeo said:
Chomping at the bits to get her out for a trial run. The reloads are ready to go. I just have to wait until my friend decides which day he can go with me to tack up those targets. I feel rather bad I have to get someone to do that but if I want to shoot it's the only way I can until the operation is over and I can hopefully walk as normal again. I only got to shoot thirty rounds from a recently purchased Savage Predator Hunter in 22-250 before the problems set it so, I'm taking that one as well. May as well enjoy things while I can. :)

Aging ain't for sissies, that's for sure. I'm more and more inclined to take someone with me to tack up targets, at least until I can address this bum knee.
I'm still chewing on getting that motorized scooter but hopefully after the operation I won't need it so, I'll wait. This fellow not only offered to do this on his day off but for the past two weeks he's gotten my groceries for me. I call in a list and he brings them by. I can't go up and down the isles without stopping 2-3 times so, I had to stop and try to find someone who would be willing to do that and he said he would. You don't forget friends like that.
Maybe I can finally go shooting this summer? I have had a PICC catheter in my right shoulder into my heart for the past two weeks. Now that it has been removed yesterday, maybe I can start shooting my centerfire rifles again? This summer has been a drag for the past few weeks between the pneumonia and the catheter. I believe that I am finally recovering from 6 months of MRSA pneumonia and without the PICC catheter, can go shooting again, Hooray!
Gee, I thought my problems were rough. Bless your heart. The only catheter I've ever had was murder when they pulled it out. I don't have to mention where it was. It felt like someone pulling a string of barbed wire. I've already made it known they're to NOT use those things when I go in for surgery the 15th. I haven't shot much this summer myself, maybe three times. I use to go weekly until this problem got worse. I'm getting withdrawals bad.
To make you feel a little better Col Colt, I pulled an inflated Foley catheter out of my bladder (about 3/4 inches in diameter) in the hospital, 2 years ago. That really got my attention!!

I am certainly happy to be able to shoot again. I really missed that activity as it is about my only outdoor activity anymore. I have to wear an O2 bottle and take it slow but at least I can still shoot.
:shock: I can't imagine what that must have felt like. The worse thing lately I've had to do for an upcoming arteriorgram last week was to give myself shots of Lovanox in the stomach twice a day. I always could take a needle but could never watch them insert it. Imagine the time I had doing that!

A friend that shoots black powder almost exclusively has MS and has a hard time at the range. He's told some horrendous stories about just getting ready and getting set up.

Shooting and reloading/casting is about my only hobby. I use to have photography as a big hobby but not like it once was. If I can't get out and shoot it's the "cigarettes and magazines" lifestyle. My dog keeps me lot of company but there's only so much you can do with him. He's into chess and that's just not my forte. :lol: