need help with rifle / barrel / cal


May 19, 2009
I need help desiding on what to do. I a'm going to buy a rem 700 vs fs II. Then I want to screw the barrel of and send it to Jim Hart. I want to build a 6mm br. I would like to know what twist would be good to stablize 90 grainers as well as lighter bullets. This is going to be a varmint gun. The reason for the vs sf II is the action and the stock. Any one out there have a varmint gun in this cal and what did you do? Thanx in advance J. Espo
I may not be much help. I had my 6BR build to shoot the 65/68gr bullets used a 1/14 twist barrel and was throated that way.

Depending on what yardage you plan on shooting varmits (velocity) with the 90gr bullets would be a concern. The other problem is getting the BR case to feed, Mike is the first one to get the BR case to feed using 700 short action.

Depending on conditions my 6BR is good to around 400yds, I don't use it for volume shooting more selective. Well good luck.
If you are gonna have Hart thread a barrel on that REM (run of the mill :p ) wont he have some ideas about twist etc???

Welcome to the forum.
Hart makes great barrels. Tell them what you plan on shooting and they will provide you with the proper twist. You might also consider having the action blue printed. This will ensure everything is squared up and will result in the best accuracy possible. Money well spent. :wink:

I forgot to mention this site You will find alot of 6BR shooters on that site to help you out. if that site doesn't come up do a search 6br and it will come up.