
May 26, 2012
Those whom know me know I’m anything but liberal.

The time has come for me to take a play, or two, out of the liberal playbook. I can no longer support this country or its so called leaders. I don’t feel represented in Washington D.C. or at the state level.

This nation has been divided and we only have ourselves to blame. I personally think the divide is too wide to bridge. I no longer look at this nation’s flag with pride nor am I proud to be an American.

Every dynasty has it’s time and I think it’s time for the curtain to fall on what was once a great experiment in republican democracy. We have drifted so far from what our founders envisioned. I don’t think they thought we’d still be here this long.

Play Taps, fold Old Glory with the stars facing outward, and respectfully lay her on the fire because this nation that we desire is no more.

I don't think so, you are seeing the very worst on social media, television and hearing it on the radio, because it sells, garners clicks and advertising dollars.

We just have to look further and harder to see the American spirit and values is truly alive and well.

Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, MeWe and YouTube are your enemies, along with just about every major social media platform.

Because, when you gather like minded folks, like here, that have different values but share a single passion, the conversation is civil and thoughtful and the nonsense you see elsewhere doesn't rear it's ugly head.

The main reason I recently deleted my Facebook account, it was nothing but frustration. IG, I only view the hilarity, same with X/Twitter, they are the Saturday morning cartoons of my youth.
Are Republicans really getting out voted, not showing up to vote and/or the liberal just visiting in the areas that cast the most electoral votes? Those who vote left and act like all is great need to wake up and see that this country is tumbling down thru their hatred votes! They make every election about gun removal instead of removing guns from known criminals! It's easier NOT to fight crime as it's easier to take away from those who want to protect themselves and their families. Call 911 only to find no police due to they defunded them! They want to take away or limit guns, then how about removing their right to vote!
I'm not sure "liberal" is even the correct term anymore. Fondly remember some of the liberal ideas of championing free speech etc... Am thinking that the "leftists" or "American Marxists" are what we're facing now. Some of my liberal friends are bewildered about what their party has become. I've invited them to straighten up and vote right. :)

I can say that I have shared your emotions on a very deep level, so I understand what you are saying. This is what I felt like a couple years or so ago, but my reaction to the current desperate circumstances has changed over these last few years, and I believe it has changed for the better.

When it began to feel hard to be proud of my country, when it seemed it was time to throw in the towel and say "forget America, it's got too many problems," one thing kept me thinking; I still love and cherish the people of America. Even though I see corruption everywhere, I am still willing to fight for my brothers and sisters in this world, I'm willing to fight for my kin, even if my battleground is my own country, and even if my weapon is nothing more than the truth. To me a country is no less than the people that inhabit it, so if I am willing to fight for the people, then I am still willing to fight for my country.

It was a significant realization for me when I concluded that what we are experiencing now is not unique to the history of our country. Unique circumstances, yes, unique corruption, no. Our country established it's own "freedom" while maintaining slavery. We had to fight a civil war to end that, then it took many more years struggling to establish civil rights that protected our citizens equally. All the while government and business were scratching and clawing for any advantage they could , trying desperately to establish their absolute control. They have always been using whatever power they have in an attempt to make every single one of us their helpless slaves.

So what has stopped them up to this point? Good people, but not just good people, good people willing to fight for what's right. Our founding fathers claimed to be making a country with "liberty and justice for all," and yet slavery was everywhere. This seems like an irreconcilable flaw. We could have said, "forget America, this is too big of a problem," but we didn't. It wasn't that we created a country where there truly was "liberty and justice for all," but rather we created one where we were willing to fight for that goal. We were willing to strive for the ideal, rather than merely accept government or society as it was. This is what made our founding fathers special, not that they were perfect models of men, far from it, but that they, despite all that was mounted against them, sacrificed much to bring our country one step closer to achieving the beautiful dream that is ours as Americans, the dream that we might all be free and equal before God and man.

This dream will never be fully achieved. Such a reality could steal all our hope, but it shouldn't. We say it was good for our fathers to fight for freedom, but they're sacrifices could not see the dream fully achieved. Does that mean we hold them in any less regard? Were they fools for striving for the unachievable? I think not. I believe it makes them all the more worthy of our thanks and our imitation. Only when we stop fighting do we have any reason to stop hoping. America was founded by every citizen willing to fight for something greater than what we have now, and it is maintained by every son and daughter that is willing to continue fighting. This is the America that I will continue to fight for, the America that I love. The only good that we will have in this broken world will come from those who strive for good amongst evil. We are not destined to bring about the restitution of this world, Someone Greater bears that burden, but we are destined to herald Him.
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Allow me an opinion from an ocean away.

From here it looks like there is only one way or the other.

It seems you have two parties totally opposing one another. And even if you think some ideas of the others might be ok, you can't support that because it's the wrong party.

I definitely don't say our way is better. But with several parties, you have to talk. Make compromises. Listen to what people want.

Your last elections were rather close.

So is it right that 51% of the voters have 100% of the choices?

Being it Republicans or Democrats.

About half of the country doesn't feel represented.

From here it looks like you have to choose a side.

But neither side represents what is best for you.

There is no middle ground.

You have to choose sides. Not for what is best, but for what fits you better
I'm not sure "liberal" is even the correct term anymore. Fondly remember some of the liberal ideas of championing free speech etc... Am thinking that the "leftists" or "American Marxists" are what we're facing now. Some of my liberal friends are bewildered about what their party has become. I've invited them to straighten up and vote right. :)

Guy, along time agao. probably about the time LBJ became Preident that something wsnt quite kosher. Took a while but the conclusion I came to is the fact that the democrat party has morphed into the communist party. When did they slyly change the name from democrat to democratIC with emphasis on the IC?

A very good friend said to me when Obama won the election that, "I fear the communists have won." I said back that I thought they'd won sometime earlier. I can name a couple of books that prove my point. One is. "A SPY AMONG FRIENDS" and the other is "THE FORGOTTEN 500." In a spy it tells of British master spy for the Russians, Kim Philby and what did did to help the communists. He got lucky and got out of England before they could catch him He wrote a book while in Russia on how communist infiltrated England's MI5 and MI6. He also described in detail how our own OSS which lated became the CIA swas also infiltrated.

On the "500", 500 US airmen who bailed out over Yugoslavia during WW2 were gathered up by partisan group and take to a place of relative safety. There were two groups of partisan, one very prone USA and the other dedicated communists. Both groups appealed to the USA for supplies to fight the Germans. The decision was brought to FDR and he gave the aid to the communists led by a man named Tito. You know him as the late ruler, Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia. Need I say more?
Paul B.
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For me, it's rather simple. WE have all lost the ability to have a conversation and debate without skewed propaganda. The polarized rhetoric dominates the airwave and is championed as the only truth. If the majority of us would just silence the bullshit and hateful noise, maybe we could sit count and share a meal together as fellow Americans. IMO-the 10% minority are causing 90% of the turmoil. There are several millions of great Americans left, but we may have become too complacent (myself included) Thanks to all of our military out there still serving when it seems our Country has unraveled.
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Allow me an opinion from an ocean away.

From here it looks like there is only one way or the other.

It seems you have two parties totally opposing one another. And even if you think some ideas of the others might be ok, you can't support that because it's the wrong party.

I definitely don't say our way is better. But with several parties, you have to talk. Make compromises. Listen to what people want.

Your last elections were rather close.

So is it right that 51% of the voters have 100% of the choices?

Being it Republicans or Democrats.

About half of the country doesn't feel represented.

From here it looks like you have to choose a side.

But neither side represents what is best for you.

There is no middle ground.

You have to choose sides. Not for what is best, but for what fits you better
Very astute observation for the most part... but that last paragraph, therein lies the problem.
Allow me an opinion from an ocean away.

From here it looks like there is only one way or the other.

It seems you have two parties totally opposing one another. And even if you think some ideas of the others might be ok, you can't support that because it's the wrong party.

I definitely don't say our way is better. But with several parties, you have to talk. Make compromises. Listen to what people want.

Your last elections were rather close.

So is it right that 51% of the voters have 100% of the choices?

Being it Republicans or Democrats.

About half of the country doesn't feel represented.

From here it looks like you have to choose a side.

But neither side represents what is best for you.

There is no middle ground.

You have to choose sides. Not for what is best, but for what fits you better
There is indeed no good middle ground, this party split has been a problem since the founding of the U.S.. Some of our first politicians such as Patrick Henry and John Adams were rather disgruntled by the effect that the two party situation had on the country. The problem is in our voting system, with it only one of the two strongest parties will ever win. There are better voting systems that have been proven to remedy this, but here is the problem, neither the Republican nor the Democratic parties want to lose their place at the top of the pyramid, so neither will ever attempt to establish a voting system that could see them both challenged and defeated. It was a mistake we made at the very beginning of the American experiment that pretty much has doomed us to deal with it until the country collapses.
If JFK were to rise from the dead he'd regard the dimocrat party as communists. He wouldn't excuse the republican party either, they've gone along with the uniparty BS for far too long.

However, I'll vehemently contradict anyone who asserts that "the right" has become radical in any way, shape or form. What I mean by "the right" is those of us who want to preserve and honor the Constitution. It is the DIMOCRATS who have gone radical, while accusing conservatives of being extremists as though we are undermining the nation as founded by FDR via the New deal. That entire narrative is totally absurd.