New Build starts today


The stock is a Remington LSS that was pillar bedded.
Accuracy is sub .5 MOA if I do my part.
This group went .092" with 160 gr AB seconds at 3000 fps.

140 gr BT .210"

150 gr E-Tip .300"

150 gr PT .265"

She shoots!

Hi this a question for Jerry & Dr.Mike supposedly Canadian Precision can supply stocks. This is a BC company do either of you have any knowledge of this company?
Any help trying to find a left handed stock would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking everyone in advance. Will have to be from Canadian Supplier.


I've never handled any of their stocks, but I'll see if I can get some intel on them.
Dr.Mike what can u tell me about Borden actions that Corlane have Travis advised they are left over stock.
Do u know if they are 700 clones?

Great actions. Smooth and almost foolproof. They are very much like a Rem action.
Dan, I don't really know much about Canadian Precision so can't help you. How much are the Borden actions going for?
Gerry, if I remember right around 1100.00 but I am hoping that I can make them a offer:)!!

Thanks Dr. I already replied to Travis hope that they are compatible to what I am building :wink:
Trying to get this on the road cause it looks like we could be in for shortages here for abit :(

Well the Borden actions are out as they are short-mag actions. I look at some new Remington actions today and they are $500.00 plus blue printing. If you compare them to a Defiance you would think that they are for toy guns :(. So I really believe that I am going to go with a defiance just trying to get a decent price.
Did some shopping today for some components & the shortage is starting here as well so this could take some time:roll:.

I second the MRC action. Give Will Parker at Montana a ring, real nice guy and ery helpful
I checked out Montana Actions but to much paper as I have to apply for a Import licence plus the cost would end being more than buying a Defiance so I think I am going to stick with the original plan and just order a Defiance.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Well I got a email back from RMR and I will be ordering the Defiance action :) likely today. They are a little more money but I trust them and I know that they are of good quality. I also know that the good Doctor thinks a lot of them :wink:
They did give me a break seeing it is my second one.
So now I am waiting to hear back from McMillan. I love it when a plan starts to come together :mrgreen:

I'm sure you will be pleased Dan :) Sounds like things are starting to come together.
Well things keep coming together :), I had a great chat this evening with a good friend of all of ours :) & I now have a great scope to place on top of this new lady :) :!: Thank you so much Mike I owe you my friend :!:

Very cool Dan. That sounds like it is going to be a perfect pair of rifles. A guy couldn't do much better than a 280 Whelen Improved and 35 Whelen... I think your building a real case of envy around this place!