Nope, not going out


Apr 30, 2016
A good friend and myself have this long standing tradition of going squirrel hunting on Christmas Eve, usually until around noon. But looking at the weather app this morning I texted him and he said he was already back in bed LOL…not sure how the tradition got started, but we’ve been doing it for 18 years..I know some of the brothers up north are used to the extreme cold, but here in the Appalachians we’re accustomed to temps in the teens, but there’s not a squirrel out there worth braving -20*


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Quite the snowfall for all that global warming. Looks almost like the pictures that were published from the high plains during the dirty thirties.
Quite the snowfall for all that global warming. Looks almost like the pictures that were published from the high plains during the dirty thirties.
Indeed- and many times since then. No accounting for what the news folks will publish. Pretty good drift though.... The Wyoming blizzard of 49, Armistice day blizzard in Mn. etc. Within the last 10 years (cant remember year exactly) there was a storm that killed thousands of cattle in SD too.
Due to the cold weather there will be NO farms or ranches closed. Each and every farmer/rancher will be out in the blistering cold, blowing wind tending their livestock. They will be praying for machinery to work, non frozen waterers and warm healthy animals.
If you know or love a farmer/rancher Or if you ate yesterday and plan to today, Thank and Pray for the farmer/rancher.
Indeed- and many times since then. No accounting for what the news folks will publish. Pretty good drift though.... The Wyoming blizzard of 49, Armistice day blizzard in Mn. etc. Within the last 10 years (cant remember year exactly) there was a storm that killed thousands of cattle in SD too.
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Due to the cold weather there will be NO farms or ranches closed. Each and every farmer/rancher will be out in the blistering cold, blowing wind tending their livestock. They will be praying for machinery to work, non frozen waterers and warm healthy animals.
If you know or love a farmer/rancher Or if you ate yesterday and plan to today, Thank and Pray for the farmer/rancher.
Amen. It's a 24/7 job.
two weeks ago , we had a couple warmer days that it snowed , warmed up a little changed to rain . turned all the snow to slush then turned cold and froze . we have a fairly thick ice on the ground . single digit temps and the wind was crazy here the past couple days , making the wind chill around -30* to -40 * F . between the ice and the wind we have stayed out of the woods the last 2 days . my dog is really needing a walk , probably today we'll get that taken care of since the wind has calmed and the temps will be up around +15* . starting around wednesday next week it's supposed to be 40 - 50 degrees for about 7 days . crazy weather so far this winter .
Yep been cold dog gets let out to run so no issues there. The chickens are used to being out every day and they've been penned in for 3 days straight. Have a 100 watt light bulb running none stop and there's enough of them in the closed in coop to make body heat that they're getting by but it looks like tomorrow will warm enough things can get somewhat back to normal.
Today it’s going to be balmy , we going to make it above 0* with windchills in the minus teens😁
I feel embarrassed to say this but in East Central Florida its 33 degrees (damn cold for us) Cloudy with maybe a hint of snow (only 4 times in a little over 30 years). Wearing flannel shirt, sweatshirt and a jacket. However, my cousin in Maine, 11 below with a wind chill of 26 below.
Thirty-three? That's late spring weather up here. A merry and blessed Christmas to you and yours, even if there is no snow.:D