Nosler Solid Blade Hunting Knife


Mar 31, 2006
A while ago Chuck Pritchard was ut in Australia doing a great job of prmoting Nosler. He had a few solid blade Nolser hunting knives. They are not available in Aust. Where can you get one. Many web based and mail order stores in the US do not sell to overseas. Natchez does but doesn't list the Nolser knife.

You mean to say, all those Nosler fans out there and nobody knows where to buy one of these Nosler knives?

Come on guys, surely there is some one with a clew as to where to get one.
Hey bloke. The Nosler knife was only a promotional item - managed to snare one for myself :grin: . It's a small Gerber fixed blade with a full length tang and wood handles if that helps. Nice little skinner.
A very popular word in Australia at the moment that equates to "Darn" is the word "Bugger" and that is what my reaction to this is.

Thanks for clarrifying that for me.

P.S. Did you get one of those knives. Bugger! I didn't.
Looking at the Gerber webpage it's a Freeman Hunter model. Yep scored one for myself. Don't know whether I should keep it pristine or put it to use. :?
The fixed blade Nosler hunting knives are a promotional item only available through our dealer program. You wont find them individually for sale anywhere until the dealer program for the year ends. Then you will be able to purchase the Nosler knives from our retail shop. ( I think they're out of the knives they had for last year though...check with them, they might have one or two laying around somewhere.