Now Obama Re-Election Slogan

I never had any doubts, when William Ayers and Benadette Dorhn set up Obama's educational grants among their what was then her prominence as "Most wanted person" by the FBI and Bill Ayer's, Most Communist friendship and mentoring. This guy is proving to be somewhat of a Manchurian President every passing day and every time that he flips a verbal quip! Look it up on Obama schooling on Expedia, Obama's money for Harvard Law school came directly from the efforts of these two losers.

Now, he just has to convince George Soros that he is one of Lenin's "Incompetent little idiots" which is a direct and televised quote from Soros BTW attributed to Lenin, of course.
MSNBC has a similar slogan, "lean forward". Actually, when I see that on the screen I think of its figurative synonym: "bend over".
I think BOHICA is more appropriate!

Ancient military term!
It was just: "Bend over and spream em" whn I was in during the war of 1812! Honest to God, one guy from Indiana, bent over and spread the other ones!!!!! Boy, did he have a rough basic!