Oehler chronograph???


Apr 5, 2014
Just picked up an Oehler 35P chronograph for $75.
It looks like it's never been used.
It came with a 2' pipe for mounting the screens.
I have an older Oehler 33 and have the screens 4' apart.
Will 2' spacing work good enough to get just a general speed.
I really don't need it to be exact and am looking to get just a general idea how fast my reloads are going.
Is this model a decent unit for general use?

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I have a 33 also. The 35 is just a newer more advanced model and should work just fine. I cannot say about the 2' spacing. My model 33 is also set at 4' as I remember.
I have a newish P35 and the mounting rod for the heads is 49.5" long. I'd say get a longer rod, I just measured mine , so that to total OAL, and the heads are 1/4" from the ends, and the middle one is centered.
I've been using a 35P for many years. I have used a 4' spacing rod on two tripods and currently the 2' rod on a single tripod.
Buy a long shot, I prefer the 2' rod set-up. I find that readings are reliable and you still get a proof reading with every shot. The 4' rod and dual tripods are a PITA to set up and barely improve readouts IMO.
If you got the instruction you have to change the 5 switch setting for screen spacing. For 2ft SW1 is off 2 is on 3,4,5 is off, 4ft SW1,2 is of 3 is on Sw4,5 is off.

Forgot, switch are in battery compartment
The best out there. Just a pita to set up
G'Day Fella's,

Alderman, thats a Bargain Buy, in most peoples books!

I have had a 35P for many decades now, and it is hard to beat.
Yes, it's a PITA to set up (and pull down) but once thats done, what a great job they do.
Mine has the 4 Ft spacing and this image is from Thursday this week, with my .404 Jeffery

I have the Oehler P35, great chrono, indeed a pita to set up and take down, but works great. Mine is set up with 2 ft spacing.