Of to Africa..

I somehow missed your update in late November. Great photos. The pictures of the birds are interesting. They are sure colourful.
Scott, JD, Mike........ while I'm in the same boat as you three it seems, I tend to look at the New Post(s) or Unread Section and missed these great pictures myself!

ET, know matter what the out come was a day in the field, especially Africa, is a day to be remembered! My favorite place in the whole World is Africa, one I would have stayed at forever had life only been as I imagined. The two summers I spent there where a lifetime experience, and one I wish I never left but getting sick does have its downside. I will go back, and now the Rand is at its lowest point to the USD then ever. I'd like to just go over there and take my time going from one Ranch to the next. These places are a lot like B&B's, you don't have to be hunting, and if you shop around the deal of a life time could come up. The outfitters over here jack the prices up for us Americans, but you'd notice in the magazines and news print over there the locals pay a completely different price to hunt these Ranches in RSA. Zimbabwe has huge concession in the center of that Country. Tanzania is beautiful place and one I loved working in, but it got very expensive even a decade ago. I love the various Counties and all of them have their good points.

Once you go there you'll live in the moment and see why it's such a beautiful place.