Ok I have hit shooting and relaoding narvana in the 270


Mar 16, 2009
Today at the range I had a 1/2 inch group at 200 yards with my new 270 Winchester ALL weather rifle. My first 3 shots out of a clean barrel. I quite right there grin I knew it looked good though the spotting scope. Last week I had .6 inch group. I am shooting those darn 130 partitions and 60 H4831SC the key was the AOL. I extremely happy now I am playing with the 150 grain but if they don't work I will use the 130 for every thing. I did measure center hole to center hole. In any case I have had some help and wanted to say thanks. I never could get the 140 accubonds to shoot well but I think the problem was I can't seat them as long as they need to be. Mag won't let me.

PS I am really liking this new model 70
Congrats E-hunter.
Glad we could help!
I've had good luck with the 150 Par's with 58gr H4381, in my old Model 70A, but I never got the part to shoot groups quite that nice.

Good Job.
It is always satisfying when you find reloading/shooting nirvana. I know it feels good. It sounds as if that the load will be a keeper.
:grin: How cool is that! IT is always nice to have a rifle and a load that shoots lights out.

Now go drive yourself nuts and try to find other combo's that will do as well....... :roll:

Thanks guys now I am working up a 150 Partition load and if it shoots close to a inch at 100 I will take it. Do you think I can get away with the 130 for elk? Normaly I bow hunt for elk and rifle hunt for deer but we drew a tag this year so I will be rifle hunting with the family?
Did you ever read the article by Jack O'Connor called "The Poor Man's Magnum" or something to that effect? He used the 130 grain Partition for elk and claimed there was no elk walking he couldn't take with that cartridge and load. He also used H4831 although it was a different powder than we have now as the old stuff was war surplus cannon powder. Damn I'm old , does anyone know what year he wrote that article?
Old Man -- NOPE .... I can't remember back that far. :lol: :mrgreen:
The 130 gr PT will get the job done on elk but I think the 150 gr PT would give you just a little more should you need to break bone or a quarting shot.

I haven't got around to it, but I'm thinking a 150 grain load with a heavy helping of 7828 would give 2900 fps which would take an elk in fair fashion.
+3 JD: Any 270 + 150PT = :grin:

I've shot Elk with 130 and 150s. To be honest I feel alot better about the 150s. The two Elk shot with the 130s ..ok.. (not PTs). The 150 were PTs and worked just great.
Well when I was much younger, I used to get over 2900 out of my 22" barrel with the 150gr Pars out of my .270 Win. Load was:

Winchester brass
150 grain nosler Partition
59gr H4831 (over max in modern books, not recommended)

I would get some cupping on the primers, but other then that the load shot fine. Being older and wiser today, I'd back that load off. Being 17 at the time, once I loading this with Remington Brass. that all I changed. With the Remington brass, about every second or third round would puncture a primer. Might sound like a small change, but it was a big difference in pressure.
OldMan":1po2oh36 said:
I haven't got around to it, but I'm thinking a 150 grain load with a heavy helping of 7828 would give 2900 fps which would take an elk in fair fashion.

Also look at IMR/H 4831 and RL 22.

ehunter":22ogwal8 said:
Today at the range I had a 1/2 inch group at 200 yards with my new 270 Winchester ALL weather rifle. I am shooting those darn 130 partitions and 60 H4831SC the key was the AOL. I extremely happy now I am playing with the 150 grain but if they don't work I will use the 130 for every thing. PS I am really liking this new model 70
Congratulations. I've always been happy if my rifle could shoot <1.5", but my rifles are more than 15 years old. 60gr H4831(long grain) has also been my favourite with 130gr PT. I believe that it's the load for many. I've taken a large full maned lion with it. 2 shots, but it wasn't going any where after the first shot. I've also taken a grizzly with 270, that got my guide a silver buckle in Yukon. I don't know the load, since the rifle was my guide's.