Old dogs


I could go on and on about Ben…..and if ANYTHING his exploits would be watered down…….

I'm going to add my Sally to this thread .

I waited until our deer hunting season ended 1/20/25 in my area , just in case we got called out again . we had an extended doe season due to CWD picking up in our unit . the game commission is trying to reduce the herd size . during the season Sally tracked six deer . she was successful on four of them . I have pics of three of them . I forgot my phone at home on one of these . both of the deer she didn't find was on our lease . one that she didn't find , was found by another hunter a week or so later a long ways away from where we were looking for it . I'm assuming it lived for days and finally succumbed to the arrow wound . the other one she didn't find was also an archery shot . our one lease member shot him two months later ,in mid December ,on the last day of our regular deer firearms season . both of these were poor shot placement by the archery hunter . I'm to the place I can tell, in the first few minutes, if she is going to find it . she is a completely different dog on a mortally wounded deer . if the deer has a good hit she is very alert , and pulls like crazy . she's hard to keep up with . on poor hit deer she acts like I'm taking her for a walk . she stays on the blood for a while , but acts uninterested . we were called out to find a couple on public land , and she did great around the unfamiliar hunters . I have them show us about where it was standing , and I ask them to stay there , or stay well behind us . I'm pretty happy with how she has come along .

she found my archery buck in mid October .

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she found one on public land , also an archery kill . we found one for this hunters friend last year . this guy couldn't find any blood where the deer was standing , so he didn't disturb things . he got my phone number from his friend and we went out . he said it was too nice of a buck to maybe mess up the scent before Sally tried . after we found it, the hunter walked out to the dirt road to meet up with some young guys that he called to drag it out . Sally didn't need shown where the deer was standing . we were walking towards the spot when she caught wind of it , and off we went .

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my chiropractor has been mentoring a youth hunter . while on stand the youth was telling my chiropractor about his Dad knowing a guy that had a dog find his deer this year this year . my chiropractor told him she knows a guy with a tracking dog, and if he shot one she would have us come and get it . a few hours later we were on our way to find his deer . we really weren't needed , they could have found it . the blood was skimpy at first , then it was pouring out . Sally finding it sure made that young Fellas day . I gave this youth a field dressing demo . he was starting to get busy , and I could tell the knife was going to go the whole way in . LOL nice young fella that is just crazy about hunting .

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