Opening morning buck


Nov 18, 2013
Hi all;
Out before daylight and had a weird crosswind. Chose a fence line tree stand that would blow any scent across a field behind me (open bean stubble) and not into the fence row or a nearby woods. Shooting time starts around 710 so got in the stand around 630. No sound or anything going on. 710 heard two shots south of me then nothing else. Saw a coyote way out but nothing else. Was watching the coyote and saw something down the fence row out of the corner of my eye. Turned slowly to look thought it was probably a couple birds flitting around. Then something else moved (its a darn brushy fence row w trees) and saw brown movement. Hmmm. Got the gun ready just in case. Looked some more and sure enough, pieces of a deer coming right at me. Can't see the head but now have the gun mounted and am trying to find a hole to shoot through just in case. Found a hole but its going to be tight and real close. Set the scope on 2x real quick, mounted the gun and kept peeking around the scope to see what kind of deer this is. Finally see a glimpse of antlers and decide, yep, I'm shooting. Got my scope sighted in this narrow gap at about 15 yards. If he's moving faster than a walk or smells or sees me, I'm toast. I see he's maybe ten yards from the gap, cock the gun (we're a shotgun slug state), verify the sight picture a I'm as good as this will get.
His nose hits the crosshairs and as the neck passes, boom. Flop.
I'll post more when in out of the field, but needless to say I'm pleased.

I'll say you should be pleased! He is a dandy buck. You did very well. Congratulations on a great representative Odocoileus virginianus.
WOW!!! Gosh darn that is a GREAT buck! Holy smokes! Congrats. Great story and wow. Can't say enough of a great thing about that buck. He looks like a TANK! Way to go. Great shooting.
That is a dandy trophy :). Congratulations on a great hunt thank you for the story with photos.


Congratulations on a dandy buck.
Way to go buddy!

Thanks guys.
Changed slugs this year and the first result was impressive.
Thanks again all.
Slugs were Federal Premium 300 gr Expander (copper)12 ga.
Crazy good expansion.
One hole, no exit. Internal was soup.
Funny you mention that Scotty.
I have used the Hornady SST since they came out with excellent results. Absolutely zero complaints. Deer almost always DRT if I did my job. Decided to check zero with them this year and could not get them to either group or repeat no matter what I did. Checked the gun, the mounts, the scope, darn near everything. No good.
Had picked up two boxes of the Federal Prem and decided to see if they worked.
Stuck up a sheet of newspaper at 100 yds and let fly. Three in about 3 inches or so. Let the gun cool and shot again with the same result. Adjusted the scope and shot again and same thing if not a shade better.
Went to Cabela's and bought the last 6 boxes they had.
Yesterday was the first "on-critter" test.
Couldn't find the slug but the results were pretty good.
I still have this "hinky" feeling that at the range I shot there should have been a pass through. Only the entry hole and no exit although, again, inside was destroyed. Hopefully I'll get some more testing this week "on-critter". :lol:
BTW, gun I shoot is an H and R Ultra Slug (single shot)with a Nikon 2 X 7 X32 on top. Just picked up a 212 but haven't mounted a scope or tested it so not using it right now.
Got ya Dewey. They seemed to have worked real well. That is my issue with the SST's in the 20 gauge, they aren't great penetrators in my opinion. Really thinking it'll get Partition's next Fall, or something similar. While it is cool to find bullets, I would rather have two giant leaking holes.

Cool set up. Sounds like a perfect set up for your area.