Penetration of 180-gr. Partition, AccuBond, Solid Base, &amp

147 Grain

May 17, 2005
I'd like to get some penetration figures from Nosler and inquire whether or not they can successfully be used on both deer and elk.

I shoot 30-06 factory ammo from Winchester (180-gr. AccuBond & Ballistic Tips) and Federal (180-gr. Partition & Solid Base) in a Browning BAR.

For penetration purposes, let's say the 180-gr. Nosler projectiles will hit an animal at 200 yards and the resulting velocity equates to about 2,150 fps +/-.

Can you Nosler experts please provide some penetration figures on the following .308 bullets traveling at about 2,150 fps?

* 180-gr. Partition - Elk
* 180-gr. AccuBond - Elk (Deer?)
* 180-gr. Solid Base - Deer (Elk?)
* 180-gr. Ballistic Tip - Deer

Thank-you in advance of your assistance!

At 2300fps out of a 300 win mag a 180gr Partition penetrated 14" of moose going thru the spine, another one penetrated clean thru the chest from behind the shoulder 24"+/- thru ribs and vitals.

I know this post is months old. It's Conference weekend and....well, you know!

A number of years back I took down a big in the body (4 skinned quarters went 500 lbs at the butchers in SLC) 6-pt Yellowstone bull on the Montana side of the park. I was shooting the 180 pp Partition at the time from my 22" Rem 700 in 30-06. Because of the angle of the hill, I could not take a rest nor could I get closer to maybe find a rest. It was a 100 yard shot. The first offhand shot took the broadside bull in the left shoulder blade and passed through, breaking the right shoulder too. The bullet was found just under the skin in perfect Partition fashion; nearly all the front core gone, mushroomed perfectly. At the shot the bull didn't even flinch. I thought, "my gosh, I missed". I cranked in a 2nd shot and subsequent 3rd shot through and through the ribs; in/out. At the 2nd shot, again not even a flinch (at least from the recoil, I could'nt see any hits nor reaction). Finally, after the 3rd shot, he just turned to walk down the hill away from me at an angle. Near panic at the thought of missing all shots, I hurridley put a 4th shot into him which raked from his left flank in front of the left hind quarter up through his lung/heart area and stopped, again, just under the brisket skin . That's when the bulls legs finally went to rubber and he collapsed about 20 yards further down the steep hill. I turned to the man to my right and in an out of breath fashion, asked if I should keep shooting. Smiling, he just said "no, he was dead on the 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th shot. The bull just didn't know it, nor did you". The final shot also was found in perfect Partition fashion.

Partition; plenty of expansion and penetration for even the largest elk. I'd say muzzle velocity was on the order of 2700 fps.

No experience with the other bullets you asked about, at least with elk. Hope to change that next week with the 180 AB's in the same 30-06.

Big Al