pick my bullet 257 wby

Same here Mike. That is about the only thing that really calms me down and brings me back to center. There is nothing like having a little chow in the mid morning, waiting for something to come by while stuffing a sandwich in my muzzle.. Hope to hear from all the heavy and light bullet shooters this year with alot of points on there 4 legged quarry! Scotty
I am beginning to loose sleep over this I know sounds silly. My gun will pretty much shoot anything and the only thing it didnt like was the 120 gr Partition bu tthat may have been my fault. And the Etip did not give me any velocity.

Anyway I am less than 11 weeks from opening day in Nevada Mulie hunt. I am leary of taking a 100 gr bullet but what does 10 more grains of lead do that the first 100 wont?

I guess its my old age catching up on me I had thought that I was answering the question posted and gave a few reason's based on my experience as to why I had thought the way I did. My intent was is not to malign anyone here in doing so. You are all right in stating the the .257 bee is know for its spectular performance and also in numerous instances with people using the wrong bullet particularly in its eary days for its stellar failures. Of course Roy's intent at the time was to produce the fastest , flatest shooting caliber of its time. Faster than the Roberts and the 250-3000 and some other 25 hotrods, which he did. However bullet construction was several years behind his design and many of the early issues with this cartirdge were a result of using bullets that were designed for the above cartridges as well as other slower 25 caliber cartridges. As has been discussed in another forum the Roberts was only loaded in the factory at about 46,000 psi, primarily because of the concern for the vast variety of rifles being chambered for it after WW II. As bullet construction improved and heavier and stronger bullets were developed the fast movers in all calibers became more useful and realible. If I remember right someone actually shot a Cape Bufflo with a Weatherby .257, if I also rememberr right it was also one of Elmer Kieth's least favorite rifles. Of course Elmer thought anything less that .338 was only for jackrabbits.
Like all of you I am also looking forward to this season, as I am not a fisherman, it seems that it gets longer between elk seasons each year, and I am struggleing mightly to keep my fitness level up to where it needs to be. Even with that I know that the first few days at elevation will kill me. My first hunt is a general season archery hunt in my backyard starting September 1, physically it will not be taxing. Unless of course I have to walk a couple of hundred yards. Second one is in Wyoming at 10,000 feet and of course that one worries me especially the pack out after my (hopeful) kill.
Good luck on your elk hunt in Wyoming and I hope you do not have to pack game real far if you get one.
That Wyoming hunt should be a heckuva good hunt and I hope you kill a monster! I know what you mean about it being further and further between hunting seasons. I am really looking forward to the bowhunt this year. Then, directly after that, it will be time to break the 45-70 out for Va rifle deer. Hopefully, I can get out to ID this year and work out the 338! That is my plan, may not come out perfect, but it is my plan nonetheless! Scotty
If one did not plan he/she would have nothing to look forward to and a very mundane life. Be careful!!!!!!!
I was a little surprised about getting jumped so hard for being practical regarding Bee ballistics. I own a Weatherby, a .340 Wea Mag. With this rifle I can push 180 bullets at 3400 fps but that does not mean that I am going to shoot any game animal with this load because I won't, ever. This load would be equivalent to using a 100 grain bullet in a .257 Bee. I would rather use 250 Accubonds at 2850 fps for elk and get the job done with no cavernous wounds, losing a shoulder in the process.

To me, blowing up game is childish, wasteful and disrespectful of the game. Additionally, I am not aware of any state's game department hiring outsiders for culling operations, especially not to kill hundreds of deer. They certainly don't do this in Washington state that I am aware of. Most Game Departments are very aware of public sentiment regarding massive culling operations and as a result, they don't happen much anymore. Especially in Mississippi where hunters can kill several deer per year. They can just lengthen the season a little and solve the problem.

Plus, I certainly do not have to prove my bones to some guy on a shooting blog site regarding my 50 years of hunting deer and elk just because he claims to have killed many hundreds of deer with a .257 Bee. So what!
Oldtrader3":1smpzmsk said:
I was a little surprised about getting jumped so hard for being practical regarding Bee ballistics. I own a Weatherby, a .340 Wea Mag. With this rifle I can push 180 bullets at 3400 fps but that does not mean that I am going to shoot any game animal with this load because I won't, ever. This load would be equivalent to using a 100 grain bullet in a .257 Bee. I would rather use 250 Accubonds at 2850 fps for elk and get the job done with no cavernous wounds, losing a shoulder in the process.

To me, blowing up game is childish, wasteful and disrespectful of the game. Additionally, I am not aware of any state's game department hiring outsiders for culling operations, especially not to kill hundreds of deer. They certainly don't do this in Washington state that I am aware of. Most Game Departments are very aware of public sentiment regarding massive culling operations and as a result, they don't happen much anymore. Especially in Mississippi where hunters can kill several deer per year. They can just lengthen the season a little and solve the problem.

Plus, I certainly do not have to prove my bones to some guy on a shooting blog site regarding my 50 years of hunting deer and elk just because he claims to have killed many hundreds of deer with a .257 Bee. So what!

OK?????? I know you feel better now getting that off your shoulders. Maybe, it needs to be let go of, I have.
Great pictures and excellent animals. Plus that is a pretty sharp rifle also! Scotty
I have been loading 69 grs of 7828 behind a 110 GR AB. Great bullet, and this load shoots wonderfully for me. 1/2" at 100. I also have a load with imr 4831 that shoots very well. Either way, this bullet is awesome! BTW, I guide a lot of deer and pig, and this is a great combo.

My brothers gun loves the 120gr Partition, but you mentioned that did not work for you.
Oldtrader3 i will agree with your statements for i too have learned the lessons of bullet performance over my 30 years of hunting.One is that cup and core bullets are most effective between 2000 and 2500 fps with out becoming shrapenal.A few eg: 160 grn from a 7mm at 40 yards,150 grn from a 303 british at 5 yards,100 grn from 243 win. at 75 yards with a Partition, and 115 grn bt from 257 bee at 150 yards. All these deer died,but all bullets became bombs when the hit except the Partition which split into three pieces of whoch the heaviest was 52 grns.I have learned that when using lead bullets to stay on the heavier side as to give more sectional density to give more base to bullet expanding.I have also learned that a heavier bullet has a better ballistic coefficient thus giving better down range reach and bullet performance.Now with the developement of bullets like the e-tip,ttsx a person can use a lighter bullet, but why when the heavy one with the better ballistics will do it better. It is amasing that a broup of gun hunters will talk about speed and big bullets in one theard and the other discuss using hand guns to do the same killing of the same game and what really matters most of all is proper bullet choice,placement and hunter patiance to make the shot count.Become a bow hunter and this all becomes clear. :p 8) :lol: