Pictures From Camp Perry

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
My trip to Camp Perry didn't turn out as I was hoping for, partly my fault or was just the Camp Perry curse I'll never know.
During the rim fire portion of the match my Hammerli .22 pistol let me down and had several malfunctions and cost me many points.
The weather was perfect with clear skies and a light breeze off of lake Eire.
The next day was center fire and my .45 performed flawlessly except my confidence was rattled from the day before and I didn't shoot my best scores.
The third day was the .45 match and I decided not to set up my spotting scope and to just shoot and wait to see my scores. The first slow fire target was an improvement from the day before, so I figured there was still a little hope.
My last day shooting turned out to be my best and my scores showed it, out of a possible total of 2700 I ended up shooting 2078-8x, placed 219th out of 259 shooters and 36th out of 52 seniors. I have not shot in a major competition since 2009 at Camp Perry(13yrs) this is not an excuse for my poor performance I wasn't planning on setting any records and just wanted to shoot in the National Championships and see some old friends from years past.
I guess I should explain the course of fire, in each match we start off shooting at 50yds for 2 rounds of slow fire, 10 shots in 10 minutes, then we shoot another slow fire for the national match portion which consist of slow fire, timed fire and rapid fire, 2 5 shot strings in 15 seconds and rapid fire 2 5 shot strings in 10 seconds, timed and rapid fire are shot at 25 yds, all matches are shot single handed and unsupported, two hand supported is not allowed.
I the picture with the gun box on the firing line and two men down range hanging targets the fellow on the right is me.
All ranges were in line with each other and with a 50yd buffer between them. Lake Erie was in front and was considered the impact area though I doubt if any rounds reached it, they also use the range for High power rifle matches and is 1000yds to the target butts.


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Sorry to hear about the problems you had at Camp Perry. I used to shoot the DCM shoots at Camp Perry back in the early 80's. My first experience at shooting the M14. It sure was a lot of fun.

I have not done any competition at Perry, but I've done weapons qualification there during my time in the Army Reserve. I remember seeing my first bald eagle in the wild soaring over the range one day.
In the past we have had cease fires while the Eagles feed on geese or sea gulls and the range control would drive down range to chase them off. We also had cease fires for boats just off the shore in lake Eire and they would be told to leave or be arrested.
Though I didn't do there were some shooters taking videos of the firing line and targets from their range after scoring their targets while the other range was shooting, I would have liked to have seen the videos they took.
Thanks for all the support and comments they are appreciated.
The Hammerli seldom takes a fit and I should have cleaned it better than I did. It took two trips to the AMU gun smith trailer to figure out what was wrong and why it wouldn't run consistently. The problem ended up being a hard bullet wax deposit in the chamber, once it was removed it worked great.

Kudos to you for going and competing and staying in the game. Sounds like you did pretty good considering the circumstances. I hope you give another try next year. With the way things are going in this country competitive shooting may soon become a thing of the past. Compete as long as you physically can, enjoy the comradery, enjoy the event, and enjoy your passion for shooting. Winning is great, but just being there is a reward in its own.

Thanks for sharing. Glad you were able to compete and renew old friendships. A member of our range used to compete at Camp Perry using the .45ACP but hasn't been able for some time. Maybe you might have met him. Herman Sage? Dan.
Thanks for sharing. Glad you were able to compete and renew old friendships. A member of our range used to compete at Camp Perry using the .45ACP but hasn't been able for some time. Maybe you might have met him. Herman Sage? Dan.
Dan 13 years between matches is longer than I thought it would be and lots of the old timers have retired from shooting these three day matches which can be very difficult as we age, pride is most of our problems and it can cause us to stop doing things we loved to do as our capability diminishes, unfortunately for me names were never something I could remember unless I was around the person frequently so I'm not sure if I knew him or not.