Please do me a favor Guys

FOTIS":118ftos5 said:

Thanks FOTIS, and if you are on any other forum, please post and link those on the forums you attend and ask them to read the article, really need the help right now. Thanks :)
A 468 pound boar, man that thing was a pig (sorry I couldn't help myself) :wink:
Thanks guys for helping, I really do appreciate it. Thanks :)
Greg, I was scared and surprised to boot how things seem to developed on that hunt. I would have never believed a hog could have such an attitude to the extent that this one had. I will admit at one point I said to myself, "now why am I down hear doing this?" Of course being a alone each time was part of the cause for the feelings I had. My wife objected to me being alone and going so much to try and find that hog after it put me up that tree, but with work schedule, my closest friends who would have gone with me were working when I was off. The older I get the less risk I take like that by taking a friend which is the smart thing to do. But I will have to admit, it was a rush and I do get addicted to the rush. Of course addictions have been known to cost a person his life, so wisdom in my later years needs to trump my need for excitement. Of course try telling that to a junky, many times falls on deaf ears. :mrgreen:
This hog hunt happened before I had a digital camera or was even involved in forums or the internet to any extent. Me and my friend who helped me weigh the hog, we were not even into pictures back then so I don't even have a picture to scan of the hog nor the rifle I used back then. I went back over the area to gather what pictures I did have in the article and took pictures of different rounds I load. So, there are some things that really lack in the story line to back up why one needs to Reload for Versatility, but G&A accepted it anyway.

I have improved in my article work with story line, pictures and total content in my last article that Nosler accepted, here is a link to that one. ... -wont-die/
Great read, Mike. How awesome was that to get vengance on that evil bastard! :twisted: You're right, no bullet will do it all, but pushing a premium at a decent velocity will put the odds in your favor more times than not.
Good article Mike, especially like the mention of the 358 with 225 bullets.
