Pres. new gun ban

what a jacka$$... Sorry mods, but that was the only word that came to mind when I read the article.

We have to vote B Hussein Obama out of power in 2 months, and out of office in 2 years!
What high capacity magazines?? Don't know much about M1s, but thought they had clip fed internal mags?
hardpan":13t3g2ul said:
what a jacka$$... Sorry mods, but that was the only word that came to mind when I read the article.

We have to vote B Hussein Obama out of power in 2 months, and out of office in 2 years!

hardpan, you are fine. I can't write what I am thinking!

As a rule of thumb, the Democraps don't want us with guns, they just want our money and our votes.

You are right, defeat them this November to cut off Barry boy until we can get him out of office. I hope the Republicans choose to impeach him in Febuary 2011.

It's a bad situation. The Republicans may well take over Congress, but they will not gain enough seats to be veto proof. Osama will veto anything good they try. And I do expect a double dip Recession & Osama & the Media will blame Congress after Nov.

The real threat is what happens between Nov & Jan. I believe the Socialist Demoncraps will pass horrible stuff because they are leaving anyway! :evil:

I hope you are wrong. I share the same fears as you.
