question on neck bulge 30-06


Mar 2, 2025
Reloaded plenty of shotshell and pistol and thought it's time to venture into rifle. Before I ask my question let me list what I have.
1. Primed 30-06 headstamped LC Match, bought a boat load of it at auction while back
2. Wiped down with alcohol and checked with a Lyman case checker
3. Nosler .308 155gr Custom Competition HPBT, another auction buy
4. Using Win 760 as it was the only powder that I had that was on the Nosler loaddata
5. Used Hornady's mod case and stick to get the lands -.02
6. Using my old trusty Lee press, I seated the bullet to #5
7. I have a ugly neck bulge.

I used a digital caliper and and at the base-bearing surface the bullet is .309

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.IMG_0161.HEIC.jpeg
You may not be able to seat the bullet out to your lands. Doesn’t look like the neck is holding enough of the bullet.
Looks to me like someone necked the schidt outa those cases. IOW, they squeezed 'em down too much.

I remember fifteen years ago you couldn't ask for a load suggestion without a chous of "what's yer twist rate?" responses.


These days lots of guys think they know what they're accomplishing with "neck tension" by abusing case necks.

Thanks all.
-30-06 Lee Ultimate dies, I don't have 270. I did not use a neck expander, I assumed since the bullet did rest in the mouth ok I was good. Being a boat tail, I shouldn't assume.
-I agree with the seating depth. I looks like it barely has enough. I looked over everything again and it sure looks like the Hornady mod case's neck it not true.
It has a bit of a lean. That very well might be the issue with the depth.
-Again these were from a auction, hard to tell what processing was done prior.

So what I'll do.
-send back that mod case and get a new one. It's definitely not true
-I'll run a case through a expander then seat to factory depth and see how the neck look
-Check the lands again once I get a new mod case.
I didn’t think the expander ball was removable on Lee dies. Thought it was machined into the stem? I think what I would do is anneal a case, run it through the sizing die with the expander ball and give the neck a good chamfer then try again. Or send them back.
Thanks all.
-30-06 Lee Ultimate dies, I don't have 270. I did not use a neck expander, I assumed since the bullet did rest in the mouth ok I was good. Being a boat tail, I shouldn't assume.
-I agree with the seating depth. I looks like it barely has enough. I looked over everything again and it sure looks like the Hornady mod case's neck it not true.
It has a bit of a lean. That very well might be the issue with the depth.
-Again these were from a auction, hard to tell what processing was done prior.

So what I'll do.
-send back that mod case and get a new one. It's definitely not true
-I'll run a case through a expander then seat to factory depth and see how the neck look
-Check the lands again once I get a new mod case.

Your problem is not "what was done prior". Your issue is what was not done before you tried seating those bullets.

As already noted by others, using the bullet to expand the case necks is not the way to properly seat bullets.

NEVER assume anything. If you'll notice the first three letters of the word "Assume" . In most situations of "assuming" you'll end up being one. 😆

Don't ask me how I know! Lol 😆
When sizing your cases try lubing the inside of your case necks to reduce the drag of the expander ball as it passes through the neck. Good info above. You'll get it figured out. Lot of knowledge from folks on here.
You said "1. Primed 30-06 headstamped LC Match, bought a boat load of it at auction while back "
Is this brass new or once fired?
If once fired, I would think whoever resized the brass used an incorrect die, .270 or .280.
If you can measure the ID or even the OD of the neck of the brass, that may show why the bulge is showing up.
If new brass, I don't have a clue what happened here. Your measurement of the bullet is correct for 30-06
Please follow up with what you find. Good luck!
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I think what I would do is anneal a case, run it through the sizing die with the expander ball and give the neck a good chamfer then try again.
This is what I would do also.
The decapping pin and expander are 1 machined piece in Lee dies. The first time removing it from a die is a treat. If someone is using Lee dies , I’m not sure why they would go thru the effort to remove it.
Hey, thanks for bringing this up! You're on one of the most helpful firearms/handloading forums anywhere. Welcome! We're all on your side, wanting your handloads to work great!

The expander ball in the full length dies is essential. You'll also be happier if you lube the inside of the case neck, 'cause pulling the expander ball through an un-lubricated case neck can be pretty difficult, and also can result in stretching the case neck length.

If you want to avoid the expander ball... Which can be done very well, then you'll want a bushing type die or a neck sizing die. A full length sizing die with a bushing to size the neck works great. They don't have to squeeze the neck down so much, so there's no need for the expander ball.

Consider annealing your cases too. Greater case life and makes the brass easier to work as well.

I load a lot of 30-06... It does what I want. Here's a sample of some of the different loads I've used over the years, just 'cause I love the versatility of the good old cartridge:

These were all full-length resized, using an expander ball.

Regards, Guy
load a lot of 30-06... It does what I want. Here's a sample of some of the different loads I've used over the years, just 'cause I love the versatility of the good old cartridge:

Nice selection of bullets.
If we guess the bullets and weight correctly , we win a prize?😁
Nice selection of bullets.
If we guess the bullets and weight correctly , we win a prize?
Left to right:
220 gr Hornady RNSP
212 gr Hornady ELD-X
200 gr Nosler Partition
180 gr Berger Elite Hunter
180 gr Sierra (maybe the flat base?)
178 gr Hornady ELD-X
165 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip
165 gr Hornady CX
130 gr Barnes TTSX

Whew! I remembered.
